GFWC of Massachusetts, Junior Membership
Especially for Presidents
Chapter Challenge
Daisy Doings
Did You Know ?
Direct-ly Speaking
Especially for Presidents
Fall Conference Update
GFWC Juniors' Cruise
Public Affairs
Upcoming Events
District Reps & Nominating
Junior Clubs

The following pages are guides for Club Presidents. To assist you in communication with your club members on federation programs and events.




As President you are the most important link between your club members and their affiliation      with GFWC and Massachusetts Junior Membership. We count on you to communicate information on federation programs and events, and each of your members deserves to be informed of all opportunities available to her as a member of GFWC. Use this list as a leadership tool to guide you to success! 


  • Invite state Officers and Chairmen to your meetings.
  • Attend all conferences and report back to your club.
  • Pass along materials.
  • Promote conferences in your newsletters and at meetings.
  • Make conference registration forms available to members in a timely manner.
  • Facilitate the completion of end of the year reports.
  • Attend one state board meeting.



GFWC Club Manuals- The new GFWC Club Manuals were mailed to every club.

  • These are packaged with GFWC Program guides (colored pages).
  • Be certain that club department chairmen have access to these pages to help them plan club projects.
  • Pass these along in 2005 to new club president.


Establish a relationship with your District Representative. Add her to the mailing list to receive your club newsletter.



Promote and attend (if possible) Federation Day at the Forest at GFWC of MA Headquarters in Sudbury. Contact Memorial Forest Chairman for more information.

International Convention is held every year in June. See for locations.



During the summer months you may receive email updates from the Junior Director (Direct-ly Speaking) or from your District Representative. Pass on time-sensitive information to your membership, as needed.



Registration forms for New England Region Conference

  • Watch for the Official Call to arrive in the mail from your Junior Director.
  • Photocopy and distribute information and registration forms to members.
  • Club presidents are the only ones to receive registration forms for this event, open to all members, so please help get the word out.
  • Registration forms are often due in late August, when clubs are not meeting.
Register for President’s Day
  • Watch for Daisy Doings in the mail. Return the Registration form.
  • This form also serves as your order blank to reserve your club’s copies of Information Please (Junior Manual) to be distributed at President’s Day,
  • Encourage your Vice President or interested chairmen to attend with you.



Attend President’s Day.

·        Bring your club’s copy of GFWC 2004-2006 Club Manual. 

  • Review Information Please. Pick up copies for your club’s use.
  • Pick up club’s copy of 2004-2005 GFWC of MA Manual. This manual has helpful phone numbers, and federation history. *You will also receive your club’s Voting Delegates Card(s) needed when registering for GFWC of MA events. (See Delegate Cards)
  • Sign up to be a guest at one state board meeting. These are held the second Tuesday of every month (except December, July, August)


Registration Form for Fall Conference (for GFWC of MA Junior Clubs)

  • Known as the Call to Conference, this is sent to every club president by mid-September, or distributed at President’s Day.
  •  Promote the conference at meetings, and submit registration forms on time.


 Attend New England Region Conference, if possible. (See Conferences in this Section)



October is Junior Membership Month

  • Promote and celebrate. Encourage new membership activities.
  • Plan ways for your club to support GFWC Membership Initiatives


Attend Junior Fall Conference, and GFWC of MA Fall Meeting, if possible.  (See Conferences in this Section)



·        Remind your club to invite state officers to a meeting.

·        Take advantage of our new Speaker’s Bureau to plan programs.

  • Is your club ready to write GFWC reports on activities January-December?



Junior Membership Donation Form is Due Postmarked by December 31!

·        This can be found in the Especially for Presidents section of Information Please. Be sure to discuss club donations at your December Board meeting, and vote on donations at your General meeting as needed.

·        Prepare and submit this form on time to:

Junior Treasurer, Janice Hynes, 49 Danjou Drive, Marlboro, MA 01752


Organize for writing end of year Reports.

  • Know where your cover sheets are.
  • Decide what your club will report and who will write the reports.


Watch for the Call to GFWC of MA Joint Mid-Winter meeting or Junior Membership Mid-winter Conference. It should arrive early in January.



*Reports are due this month to your state Junior Director and Junior Chairmen.

  • See Information Please “Report Writing” for detailed instructions.
  • Purchase and prepare appropriate colored folders for your state reports.
  • Distribute materials as needed for report writing to the appropriate people in your club who are writing club reports.
  • Collect Reports in time to prepare the master GFWC Report Form.


Register your members who are attending Mid-Winter Meeting.


Attend GFWC of MA Junior Membership Mid-winter Meeting

  • Deliver your Club's Reports to Junior Director and Junior Chairmen.


Watch for Dues Bill to arrive from GFWC of MA Treasurer. (Usually sent to club Treasurer) *Pay this on time in order for club to receive continued voting privileges.


Promote all scholarships that are available- applications are due in February and March. (See Scholarships)


Promote GFWC LEADS. (See Leadership) Leadership Education and Development Seminar. The candidate chosen from each state receives funding from GFWC to attend this seminar at International Convention. Applications are due February 1.



Applications for LEADS Candidates are due February 1.


Junior Contest Entries

  • Decide/Complete any Junior Membership Contests your club will enter.
  • Contest entries are due March 1.  (See Contests/Awards)


Ricky Gomes Memorial Scholarship Applications

  • Promote these in your club. Application Deadline is March 1.



March 1 is deadline for:           Contest entries (See Contests/Awards)

            Scholarships (See Forms)


Call to Junior Membership Annual Conference comes in the mail.

  • Get the word out to your club members!
  • Note the due date for registrations, which is usually early April.
  • Reserve hotel rooms, as needed, for the meeting.
  • Determine baskets for basket raffles.


Call to GFWC of MA Annual Meeting- SeaCrest comes in the mail.



GFWC Federation Day is April 24- Promote this by planning a celebration.


GFWC of MA Annual Meeting registrations forms are due.  for GFWC of MA- SeaCrest.


Junior Membership Annual Conference registrations are due. (See March). (See Presidents Processional and Delegates to Junior Conferences for further information.)


Attend Annual Conference

  • Be prepared to process in the evening Procession. Your club should purchase flowers for you as described in the Call. (See Presidents Processional)
  • Pick up President’s Packet at the end of the evening with any new materials.


Submit the GFWC of MA MANUAL QUESTIONNAIRE to Junior Director by May 1.

  • The MANUAL QUESTIONNAIRE is sent directly to club presidents in early March or April. Submit this form to validate your club as a member of the federation. It requires the signature of BOTH YOU and your club Treasurer. (See Sample Form)


Watch for important VOTING CREDENTIAL CARDS to arrive in the mail from GFWC in April or early May. Members of your club who are planning to attend International Convention in the summer need access to these cards now to complete registration. (Club cards are transferable- See GFWC VOTING CREDENTIAL CARDS)





·        Send a copy of your club Yearbook to GFWC of MA Headquarters once a year.


Did we leave out something important? Tell us – we’ll happily update this list in order to help club presidents be successful. E-mail suggestions to



Conferences and Meetings


                     * Fall Conference, Junior Membership      October 16, 2004

                                        Best Western, Chelmsford


                     GFWC of Massachusetts Fall Meeting      October 27, 2004

                             Andover Country Club, Andover


                              * Midwinter Meeting, Combined      January 29, 2005

                                                 (General and Junior)

                                   Radisson Hotel, Marlborough


                 *Annual Conference, Junior Membership      April 23, 2005



               GFWC of Massachusetts Annual Meeting,      May 2-4, 2005

Sea Crest Resort and Conference Center, Falmouth


                             GFWC International Convention      June 20-23, 2005
                                                                 Las Vegas     


                      *Fall Conference, Junior Membership      October 15, 2005



                     GFWC of Massachusetts Fall Meeting      October 28, 2005





Is your club interested in hosting a conference?

Have you asked your members?


Junior Membership is always looking for clubs to serve as host clubs for Fall, Mid-Winter, or Annual conferences. Hosting –or co-hosting- a conference is a great way to encourage newer members to get a broader picture of GFWC as a state and national organization.


It’s easy!  Host clubs help by providing :

Nametags for attendees                         Centerpieces for the tables

Staffing for the Registration table          A Welcome or Greeting


For more information contact:

Junior Meetings Chairman

T Jablanski

Phone: 508-832-6476


Credential Cards- GFWC


GFWC Voting Credential Cards- These cards (the size of a standard business envelope) are sent to every club president in April to validate the number of votes each club is granted at International Convention. (1 card per 25 members) Credential cards should be enclosed with Convention Registration Forms, and they are returned to club members by GFWC when attendees check-in at convention.


The GFWC Voting Credential Cards sent to club presidents are transferable to other members who may be attending Convention. (Credential cards sent individually to state and international officers are not transferable) Instructions for transfer of vote are given on the cards - club presidents can write in the name of another club member who is attending Convention. Presidents not attending Convention should make the club credential card available to state board members, or any member of their club who will attend Convention and vote on behalf of their club.



Delegate Cards- GFWC of MA


GFWC of MA Voting Delegate Cards- Every MA club receives a Voting Delegate Card  (1 card per every 25 members) to be used by the club president or her designee for voting privileges when attending GFWC of MA meetings. GFWC of MA Meeting dates are listed on the back of the delegate card (business card size). The Junior Director distributes these cards to Junior club presidents in September. Voting delegates sign the back of the cards. Delegate cards are to be enclosed with event registration forms, after which they are punched and returned to clubs with confirmation of registration.



Delegates (Voting) to Junior Membership Conferences


Each Junior club is entitled to one vote for every 10 members in the club.  Voting generally occurs for Junior Executive Board officers, District Representatives, and District Nominating Committee members elected at Annual Meeting. When completing conference registration forms, presidents designate which attending members are to be the voting delegates for their club.


NOTE: No delegate or credential card is required when submitting registrations for Junior Membership conferences. Voting forms used at Annual Meeting indicate appropriate number of votes per club.



Direct-ly Speaking


Direct-ly Speaking is the name being used by the 2004-2006 Junior Director to identify official email messages to club presidents and Junior Board. Email will be used for time sensitive notices and helpful reminders; email will not replace the use of Director’s newsletters. (See Director’s Newsletter)


Director’s Fundraising


Every administration promotes fundraising activities on behalf of the Junior Director. Monies raised are deposited in the General Fund of the Junior Board Treasury to be used as deemed appropriate or necessary by the Junior Executive Board.  Presidents are asked to make club members aware of featured fundraisers and encourage sales. Items are generally sold at all conferences and through the Director or her Assistants while supplies last.


Items featured for 2004-2006 Administration

·        Write the Next Chapter  Logo Padfolio $12,

·        Black and Tan Logo Totebag $10.


The 1924 Society

The 1924 Society will be unveiled at President’s Day on September 11, 2004.  This society is open to any member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs.  Membership is obtained by making a donation that will be put towards the financial operations of the Junior Membership of Massachusetts.


There will be two different donations available and membership will be limited to a certain number each year.  When this number has been reached membership will then be closed until the next year.


Please consider becoming a member of this special group.  It will promise laughter and friendship for select few and you will consider it privilege to be part of this social group for years to come.   If you have any questions about this program contact program chairman, Patty Salomon (See Directory)


Raffle Baskets at Conferences

Raffle tickets are sold at Junior conferences for the chance to win theme baskets provided by Junior clubs. Money raised from Basket Raffles is used to defray costs of travel required of the Junior Director as she represents Massachusetts Juniors at state and regional meetings and GFWC International Convention. Every club is asked to donate a decorative basket of items (i.e. candles, books, stationery) at each conference in order to help support the Director’s Travel Fund.  Baskets should be labeled with club name and given a creative theme title. Awards are given to clubs at conferences for basket creativity and originality.



Director’s Newsletter


Every Junior Director uses a newsletter to update club presidents, Junior Board members, and Past Junior Directors. The newsletter is known as Daisy Doings to honor the official flower of GFWC of Massachusetts. For the 2004-2006 administration, each issue of Daisy Doings will appear as a volume under the name The Next Chapter, honoring the current Director’s theme.


The newsletter is issued approximately 4 times a year. To submit information or calendar items for The Next Chapter contact Lynne Stader (




Districts are used by GFWC of MA to assist in connecting clubs geographically and for dispersing federation information effectively. Note that district assignments have changed for some clubs with the re-districting effective May 2004. General clubs operate under District Directors;  Junior clubs have District Representatives. Clubs are asked to invite their respective District Representative and District Nominating Committee member to at least one club meeting each year, and include them on official mailing lists to receive club newsletters.


See Directory of Junior Membership Executive Board in Information Please 2004-2006

 for complete information on district divisions and the representatives in your district.





Use the Junior Membership Donation Form (Forms Section) to properly send club donations to designated GFWC of MA and GFWC of MA Junior designated charities and scholarships.


Please send only ONE CHECK for the total of all donations entered on the Donation Form.

DO NOT SEND SEPARATE CHECKS FOR EACH DONATION! The Donation Form provides a convenience for both the State Treasurer and the Club Treasurer. A club is not expected to make donations for all entries on the form.  It simply identifies monies submitted to the State Treasurer.


In order for a club to receive credit, donations must be postmarked by December 31.


Send Junior Membership Donation Form to Treasurer of Junior Membership:

Janice Hynes, 49 Danjou Drive, Marlboro, MA 01752-3342



Manual Questionnaire


The Manual Questionnaire is used to assess dues for the following year and to report the officers of your next administration. **Note: The number of members you enter on this form should exactly match the number of members who paid dues to your club between January and December of the previous calendar year. It is a club’s responsibility to save and pass on the GFWC portion of dues. (See Standing Rules- Dues) Bills for dues are sent directly to clubs by state GFWC of MA Treasurer the following January. (See Sample of the Manual Questionnaire in the Forms Section.)


If you need another copy of the Manual Questionnaire, contact the Junior Director.





President Pins: GFWC pins for the office of club President are available at Junior Board meetings, Junior Conferences, or from the Treasurer of Junior Membership. The cost is $10.00 per pin. Clubs generally arrange to purchase a pin in advance of the date of their installation of officers, such that the official pin can be presented to the incoming president at the time of installation.


GFWC of MA: Other federation items such as the GFWC of MA State President’s theme pin may also be available.  For information contact Junior Treasurer, Janice Hynes (508) 481 4404


Membership pins: with the GFWC emblem are available through Junior Membership Chairman, or by using the GFWC List of Available Materials in the GFWC Club Manual.

For information contact Mary Ann Pierce (781) 444 3189



Presidents Processionals


Processionals at Junior Membership Annual Conference


All club presidents are included in the Processional announced at the beginning of the evening banquet at Annual Conference. Presidents and Junior Executive Board members are formally announced by name and process in to greet the State President and Junior Director at the head table. Clubs are responsible for ordering flowers for their president, using the order form provided on the Registration Sheet. Flowers are generally made available for $3.00- $4.00. If a club president is not able to process on behalf of her club, the Junior Director should be notified.  Note: Club officers do not substitute in processionals for absent presidents.


Processionals at GFWC of MA Annual Meeting at Sea Crest


All club presidents, Junior as well as General, are included in the Processional announced at the beginning of the Tuesday evening banquet at GFWC of MA Annual Meeting held at SeaCrest in Falmouth in May. Presidents are formally announced by name and process in to greet the State President and membership. A president should notify the Junior Director in April whether or not she plans to attend SeaCrest. Note: Club members do not substitute in processionals for absent presidents.


Recognitions and Awards



2 Division Winners  (Small Bowls)  and       Overall   (Large Bowl)

BARBARA S. BAKER (Director’s Award)                                       Overall   (Tray)

PRESIDENT’S GUIDELINES: Every club that reports receives a certificate. Junior State Chairmen will determine the points given, based on Program Specific Questions on Report Forms. No OVERALL winner is awarded.

Programs:  Winners based on Club Reports submitted each year in January

ARTS                          1 Winner in each division  (Citations) +         Overall   (Certificate)

CONSERVATION     1 Winner in each division  (Citations) +         Overall   (Certificate)

EDUCATION            1 Winner in each division  (Citations) +         Overall   (Certificate)

INTERNATIONAL   1 Winner in each division  (Citations) +         Overall   Certificate)


HOME LIFE              1 Winner in each division  (Citations) +         Overall   (Certificate)

PUBLIC AFFAIRS      1 Winner in each division  (Citations) +         Overall   (Certificate)


Special Projects:  Winners based on Club Reports submitted each year in January

GFWC JR. SPECIAL PROJECT        1 Winner in each division   (Citations)

LEADERSHIP            1 Winner in each division  (Citations) +         Overall   (Certificate)


                                    1 Winner in each division  (Citations) +         Overall   (Certificate)

MEMBERSHIP           1 Winner in each division  (Citations) +         Overall   (Certificate)

            Club with the Greatest Net Gain                                                           (Certificate)

            Member bringing in Most New Members                                               (Certificate)

            Star Awards     Member bringing in 5, 10, 15+ new members                Pin and Certificates


Contests:  Winners determined from Contest entries submitted by clubs (due March 1)

MARILYN PERRY LEADERSHIP               1 Winner  (Existing Trophy and keychain)

MARTHA MICHALEWICH CLUBWOMAN   1 Winner  (Existing Trophy and keychain)

PUBLICITY BOOK                                       1 Winner in each division  (Citations)

PUBLICITY BOOK COVER                        1 Winner (Certificate)

BEST USE OF PUBLICITY                         TBA

NEWSLETTER                                              1 Winner (Certificate)

SCRAPBOOK                                                TBA

WAYS AND MEANS PROJECT                  1 Winner in each division  (Citations)



RICKY GOMES Clubwoman                         Amount TBA each year by Junior Board

RICKY GOMES Child of a Clubwoman        Amount TBA each year by Junior Board



GFWC Junior Club Report Writing





Hand Delivered to Mid-Winter Conference on January 29, 2005


Postmarked NO LATER than January 28, 2005

Reports being mailed must be sent to the appropriate Junior State Chairman.

(See Department Pages for Chairmen information)


All reports should cover the period of

January 1 through December 31, 2004



Attention Presidents:

Reporting will continue to be done in a bulleted format with an optional narrative on one or two of your best, most successful projects. Please read the information in the following pages carefully.  Every effort has been made to simplify report writing and instructions. Please contact department chairmen if you have any questions.


Remember these important reasons for writing a report:

·        Reports give your club members a sense of accomplishment.

·        Reports provide a permanent club record.

·        Reports help your club and club members receive recognition from State and National organizations and peers.

·        Statistics from reports are used by GFWC to obtain corporate sponsors.


A completed report will include the following in this order:

·        Junior Report  Cover Sheet

·        Questionnaire (Membership, Leadership reports only)

·        Bulleted List of Projects/Programs

·        Narrative Page, maximum 2 projects described in greater detail (optional)

·        Backup Page (optional)

·        Bound in a Red or blue folder, depending on club size

Division I- blue folder             Division II Clubs- Red folder


Copies needed: Original report plus 3 photocopies of each report

  • Original report in colored folder + one photocopy to the Junior Chairman
  • One photocopy of each report to the Junior Director
  • One photocopy of each report to the GFWC of Massachusetts President


Steps for Successful Report Writing


Step One:  Know the Definitions:


GFWC Departments:  These are the major emphasis areas from GFWC International.  There are six Departments, with specific GFWC programs to support in each one:

·        Arts in the Community

·        Education:  tBe Cool After School  tEducation for Life  tLiteracy: Tutoring from the Heart

·        International Affairs: tReaching Out Internationally  tUnited Nations

·        Conservation: tBeautificationResource   tConservation

·        Home Life: tHelping Hands tImmunize Now  tNew Horizon’s in Health

·        Public Affairs: tCitizenship  Community  tSafety


Special Projects: Similar to the Departments except they do not have additional program areas.

·        Community Improvement Contest

·        GFWC Junior Special Project-Advocates for Children

·        Leadership

·        Membership

·        Public Relations


Project:  Work that your club does as a group. (a bake sale, a membership drive)


Program: A speaker or activity done at a CLUB MEETING.  Keep track of the number of members and guests that were in attendance.


Monetary Donations: Amounts of money donated by check or cash.


Material Donations: Items donated such as books, medical supplies, clothes, food, etc. (include the value of these donations)


Participating Members: The number of members involved in a project or program.  Count members only once, the number of members participating cannot be more than the number of members in your club.  Keep track of all hours spent by all members.  Include planning, set-up, publicity, etc. This information is required only for GFWC Departments.


Double Reporting: Reporting the same project in two different reports.  In order for statistics to be valid, this is NOT allowed in any Department or Special Project except for the Community Improvement Contest.


Number of Members: The number that is in the current GFWC of Massachusetts Manual.  It does not matter how many members you have at the time of the report writing.  You must use the figure in the most recent Manual.


Questionnaires: A “checklist” provided by some Junior State Chairman to facilitate the reporting of projects or procedures that most clubs use.  Items covered in the questionnaire do not need to be reported on your List of Projects/Programs


 Cover Sheets: Each Department and Special Project has its own cover sheet.  They can be found in the “Programs” and “Special Project” sections of Information Please.


GFWC Report Form: A one  page (front and back) statistical form used by GFWC International.  Information for this form will come from your Junior Report Cover Sheets and final reports.  (See GFWC Club Manual for this Form)



Step Two: Preparation



·        Who will write which reports for your club.  Report writing is a leadership skill, ideally, they should not all be written by one person.  Some clubs have their department chairmen write reports, other clubs have a reporting committee.

·        What department each project will be reported under.


·        Any notes, materials, newsletters, agendas, press releases, etc. about your club projects.  Check Information Please pages for suggestions from Junior Chairmen.

·        Cover sheets needed for Department and Special Project Reports

·        Questionnaires, if provided by Junior Chairmen



Step Three: Writing Your Reports


Follow these requirements when writing your reports.  Refer to Report Cover Pages for specific report instructions:

·        Font size: No smaller than 10      Margins: No smaller than one-half inch.

·        Each of the program areas of the Department reports and each Special Project report will be allowed one page of listed (bulleted) items and one page of narrative report. 

·        Narrative: maximum of two projects; cannot exceed a total of one page.

·        Format the List of Projects/Programs in a bulleted format (maximum of four lines), briefly explaining the project/program.  The fourth or last line should include the total number of members participating/the total number of hours/the total amount of money spent/the total amount of funds raised or donated (if any).  Or it can just be a list of donations.


(See examples to follow)

Examples of bulleted format:


·        Baby sitting course: held at the town library in two four-hour sessions.  25 children were graduated.

3 members/39 hours/$87 spent

·        TV Turnoff Week Contest: Organized “NO TV” contest of 4 elementary schools.  Form to be filled out was distributed to schools; prize money was awarded to school libraries.

4 members/60 hours/$535 spent

·        Egg Hunt: Held for town children up to age 10.  Hid eggs with candy, had raffle, had pictures with Easter bunny.

40 members/80 hours/$50 spent/$100 raised for food pantry

·        Monetary Donations:

$50 American Cancer Society

$100 Fire Fighters Association




Step Four: Distribution of Reports


Junior State Chairmen require:

  • Original report with backup material in a colored folder representing your club size. (Division I clubs use blue folders; Division II clubs use red folders.).
  •  One photocopy of the report.  (Note: A copy of the backup material is NOT needed.)  Whether or not you keep a copy for your club is up to you, remember that your ORIGINAL report will be returned to you at Annual Conference in April.


Junior Director requires:

·        One photocopy of every report


GFWC of Massachusetts President requires:

·        One photocopy of every report


GFWC requirement for GFWC Report Form:

  • Original + one copy of the GFWC Report Form. (These are given to the Junior Director, who will mail them to GFWC in Washington.)
  • No copies of this report will be returned to you.


If you are bringing your reports to Mid-Winter Conference:

  • Deliver report and one copy to the appropriate Junior Chairmen collection bag.
  • Deliver one copy of all Department reports to Junior Director’s collection bag.
  • Deliver GFWC Report Form (original and copy) to the Junior Director’s collection bag.


If you are mailing your reports:

  • Each report (copy included) must be mailed to the respective Chairman.
  • One copy should be mailed to the Junior Director
  • One copy should be mailed to the GFWC of Massachusetts President
  • The GFWC Report Form (and copy) should be mailed to the Junior Director.

Scholarships - 2005


It is important to let club members know about the many federation scholarship opportunities available to the public as well as to the members of our clubs.


The Scholarship List on the following page includes scholarships offered by:

·        GFWC of Massachusetts

·        Specific GFWC of Massachusetts clubs

·        GFWC of Massachusetts- Junior Membership  


Please spread the word of their availability, and consider submitting applications on behalf of yourselves or your children. In addition, please encourage Junior clubs to support these scholarships through monetary donations. (See Donation Form in Forms Section)


Application Forms: The Ricky Gomes Memorial Scholarship Application Form is included in the Forms Section of this Information Please.

SUGGESTION: PHOTOCOPY Application Forms for multiple use.


Application Forms for GFWC of MA scholarships are distributed to Junior clubs in the GFWC of MA Presidents Packets in September of every year.


Scholarship forms can be obtained electronically from the scholarship chairmen listed below, and are also posted on our websites:



For questions regarding Ricky Gomes Memorial Scholarship, contact:

Ginni Babaian




For questions regarding GFWC of MA scholarships, contact:

Jane Howard

Scholarship Chairman, GFWC of MA



2005 Scholarships





Art Scholarship - Pennies for Art

Up to $800

Feb 1, 2005

Massachusetts High School Senior

Music Scholarship Nickels for Notes

(Major in piano, instrument, music education or music therapy)

Up to $800

Feb. 1, 2005

Massachusetts High School Senior

Music in Voice

            Dorchester Woman’s Club


Feb. 1, 2005

An undergraduate student who is enrolled in 4 year accredited college, university, or school of music.

Communication Disorder/Speech Therapy

             For Graduate Study

$800 – for tuition

March 1, 2005

Graduate student with legal residence in Mass.

Education Teaching Scholarship

            Newtonville Woman’s Club Scholarship

$600 – for tuition

March 1, 2005

Mass. High School Senior enrolling in 4 year college or university in order to obtain certification to teach

Study Abroad Scholarship (For undergraduate and/or graduate study abroad programs to be used for a 12-credit summer program, a semester or a full year program

Up to $800

March 1, 2005

Undergraduate or graduate student maintaining a legal residence in Mass.

Memorial Education Fellowship

            Graduate Study in Early Childhood


March 1, 2005

Woman maintaining legal residence in Mass for at least 5 years

Memorial Education Fund Fellowship

            Graduate Study in Physical Therapy


March 1, 2005

Woman maintaining legal residence in Mass for at least 5 years

Catherine E. Philbin- Public Health Scholarship

           Graduate or Undergraduate Study in  Field of Public Health


March 1, 2005

Undergraduate or graduate student maintaining a legal residence in Mass.

Ricky Gomes Memorial Scholarship

            Sponsored by Junior Membership

To be determined.

March 1, 2005

Clubwoman or Child of Clubwoman  entering college or presently enrolled full or part-time in college

Speaker’s Bureau


Do you need a speaker for a club meeting?  Use this list as a resource, and remember your officers and state chairmen are also available.


Ø      Mary Baird…Membership

Ø      Speaking on any aspect of GFWC Membership

Ø      508-428-0246,


Ø      Mary Ann Pierce…Membership

Ø      Speaking on any aspect of GFWC Membership

Ø      781-444-3189,


Ø      T Jablanski and Diane McCurley…Speaking of Pain

Ø      “Speaking of Pain” presentation of Home Life Program

Ø      508-481-1157, (Diane)

Ø      workshop on types of pain, effects on your life, how to cope

Ø      30 – 60 minute presentation


Ø      Mary Kemp …..Leadership Logistics

Ø      Ideas, suggestions, exchanging information on how to “lead” a project

Ø      508 393 6992;


Ø      Mary Kemp and Diane Murphy…..Tech Team

Ø      Help, advice, answer questions on joining the electron age and driving down the Information Super-Highway without getting lost in Cyperspace

Ø      (Mary) 508 393 6992;

Ø      (Diane) 781 986 4745:


Ø      Connie Jacquays…Operation Smile

Ø      Operation Smile, Boston Chapter of OS, Starting OS Clubs

Ø      781-646-4925, 781-439-5619 cell,

Ø      non-for profit group that fixes children with facial deformities all over the world and in the U.S.

Ø      30 -45 minute presentation


Ø      Helen Kruckenberg…Women’s Coordinator

Ø      “Women’s Veteran’s Network”

Ø      600 Washington Street, Suite 1100, Boston, MA 02111

Ø      617-210-5781, (type women veterans)


Ø      CHIP Program

Ø      “Child Identification Program”

Ø      Jim Spurrel, Co-Director,

Ø      Chandos Bailey, Co-Director,