Click here for the Junior's Special Project, GFWC Advocates for Children, from the 2012-2014 GFWC Club Manual.
Click here for the Advocates for Children Information Please pages and here for the 2013 update of those pages.
Click here for the Advocates for Children Report Cover Sheet.
"If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children."
Mohandes Ghandi, political and spiritual leader in India
Birthday Wishes
“Birthday Wishes”, a non-profit organization which brings complete birthday parties into the lives of homeless children. Every child deserves to celebrate their
birthday. Those living in shelters have not had this opportunity—till Birthday Wishes. As a partner with this fine organization we allow ourselves the privilege to focus on these children within our neighboring communities throughout Massachusetts.
The needs of Birthday Wishes are many. We will be able to help in a variety of hands-on ways from working directly at parties, to helping sort items at one of their locations throughout the state, or creating birthday boxes—something you can do right within your club. As an organization we will also sponsor a team or teams at their annual Cakewalk (which some of us already did in 2012) and participate in their annual Luminary Night on December 2, 2012.
There are so many ways Massachusetts club women can “team up” with this great organization. Look for more information at all state meetings! Visit
Click here for the "Birthday-in-a-Box Program" guidelines and click here for the "Luminary Night" poster. Luminary Night is Sunday, December 2, 2012!
At the national level, GFWC has partnered with nonprofit organizations, corporations, government entities, and related advocacy organizations. These partnerships allow GFWC to provide critical information, materials, and resources to clubs. Please consider reviewing the websites for these GFWC Partners in the area of Advocates for Children.
March of Dimes
March of Dimes is now an official program partner in Advocates for Children. The March of Dimes was established by FDR to fight polio. The mission focus was shifted to premature birth and birth defects. Research breakthroughs have helped save thousands of babies. Work with March of Dimes, GFWC’s newest partnership in Advocates for Children
Visit their website for more information about local events and volunteer opportunities.
Collect dimes at Club meetings and events. Bring collected dimes to Fall Conference to participate in a contest for fabulous prizes! We can then make a T.E.A.M. donation from all Junior/General Clubs.
Emergency Medical Services for Children (
EMSC was established in 1991 to help improve the pediatric emergency care infrastructure throughout the United States. It has improved the availability of child-size equipment in ambulances and emergency departments and initiated hundreds of programs to prevent injuries.
Each state has its own needs and contacts; the Massachusetts contact is:
- Deborah Clapp (Program Manager)
We have been in contact with Deborah Clapp and she is very excited about the GFWC Partnership. She has a list of agencies that need our help and she will be happy to talk with anyone and pass along information she has.
INMED Partnerships for Children (
INMED has created a campaign specifically for GFWC: called Face the Challenge this campaign consists of 5 challenges:
- Infectious and Chronic Disease
- Mother and Child Health
- Nutrition and Food Security
- Instability and Displacement
- Click on Face the Challenge Form
- Fill this out and request the campaign kit for the challenge area(s) that you want to focus on