International Outreach
Chairman: Cindy Brogan 508-558-5439

Click here for the GFWC International Outreach Community Service Program from the 2012-2014 GFWC Club Manual.
Click here for the International Outreach Information Please pages.
Click here for the International Outreach Report Cover Sheet.
Objectives: the GFWC International Outreach Community Service Program is designed to enable members to become better world citizens through advocacy, education, and action, which will, in turn, affect change in and for our global friends and their communities.
Over the next several weeks, Congress will be determining the budget for next year, including how much of the budget will go to global vaccines. That’s why Shot@Life created Advocate2Vaccinate, a coast-to-coast challenge for global vaccination. By taking part in this nationwide advocacy challenge from March 24-April 27, you can help positively influence Congress, get your Club involved in advocacy and have fun in the process! Here’s how the contest works: every GFWC club across the nation will compete as part of their Shot@Life region. You can accrue points for your Club by doing a series of advocacy actions. There will be a toolkit available soon to help plan out your advocacy! Most importantly, you earn 10 points for meeting with your member of Congress in your district during our region’s week APRIL 14- 20 of action. During the other 3 weeks, you can earn bonus points for the following:
- Publish a Letter to the Editor or Opinion Editorial - 5 points
- Host a Community Event- 4 points
- Use the Shot@Life mobile app to call Congress or Host a Digital Event - 3 points
- Publish a Blog Post about Global Vaccination- 2 points
- Sign the online petition- 1 point
When does it start?: Advocate2Vaccinate will launch on March 24. The week of action for our region is APRL 14-20
How do I get involved?
Here’s your to do list:
- Register your Club with me, your GFWC region lead - T Jablanski - so I know you’re participating
- Choose one member of your Club to be the A2V lead to track your Club’s results and report them to me at:
- Start planning how your Club can get involved to earn the most points possible. You can plan events, send emails, write blogs and– of course! – meet with your member of Congress.
- You will also be provided with a toolkit in the coming week.
T will be in contact throughout the challenge to share resources and let you know what to do.
FINALLY: You and I have the opportunity to make our voices be heard and advocate for those who cannot. We believe that every child deserves a shot at a healthy life.
Get Started!
On your computer click here to advocate.
Or download the App for your smartphone here.
You can find all the tools you need to succeed at
GFWC Partners are the organizations listed with whom GFWC has established a formal relationship and mutual understanding. Our partners offer unique and customized services: materials, speakers, kits, and/or additional information specifically designed for GFWC clubs. They are aware of GFWC clubs’ specific needs, our organizational structure, and have a signed Memorandum of Understanding with GFWC.
Heifer Project International
Heifer International is a non-profit organization working to end world hunger by giving cows, goats, pigs, chickens, sheep, bees, and other food and income-producing livestock to impoverished families around the world. Recipients are trained in animal care and environmentally sound agricultural practices so they can lift themselves out of poverty and become self-reliant. Milk, eggs, wool, meat, draft power and other benefits of animals provide nutrition and money for education, housing, healthcare, and small business enterprises.
Operation Smile
At operation smile, medical volunteers provide safe, effective, and free cleft-lip and cleft-pallet repair surgery for children born all over the world. It is an international medical humanitarian organization dedicated to raising awareness of this life-threatening issue and providing lasting solutions that will allow children to be healed, regardless of financial standing, well into the future. Operation Smile’s free surgeries and medical missions are made possible by the thousands of volunteers and donors, throughout the world.
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
For over 4 decades GFWC has supported UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund in its efforts to ensure the world’s most vulnerable children access to health, education, equality and protection. UNICEF projects include Trick or Treat for UNICEF to help children survive and grow; US Fund for UNICEF’s TAP Project helps provide clean tap water for children around the world and Inspired Gifts enables donors to purchase actual life-saving items to be shipped to countries UNICEF serves.
United Nations Foundation, Shot @Life
We all treasure our children’s first moments—their first birthday, first word, first step. Yet millions of children miss out on these moments because they don’t have access to the vaccines they need. Shot@Life, a United Nations Foundation’s campaign, seeks to educate, connect, and empower Americans to champion vaccines in order to save children in developing countries. Every 20 seconds, a child dies of a vaccine-preventable disease like pneumonia, diarrhea, measles, and polio. You can help save a child’s life by encouraging, learning about, advocating for, and donating vaccines.
GFWC Community Service Projects, formerly known as Collaborations, are programs and projects members initiate and participate in to serve their communities—they do not include projects that relate to GFWC partners. This section is where the clubs will report all the programs and projects that are specifically related to the International Outreach Community Service Program that can involve other members of the community, other organizations, or the individual club or members
Water Centric -
This organization brings water sanitation, and hygiene education to schools in India.
International Day of Peace on September 21 -
The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to create practical acts of peace on a shared date. It was established by a United Nations resolution in 1981 to coincide with the opening of the General Assembly. The first Peace Day was celebrated in September 1982.
World Food Day on October 16 -
World Food Day (WFD) is a worldwide event designed to increase awareness, understanding and informed, year-around action to alleviate hunger. It is observed each October 16th in recognition of the founding of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1945. The first World Food Day was in 1981.
International Women’s Day on August 22 -
International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.
World Water Day on March 22 -
The international observance of World Water Day is an initiative that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro.
The Emancipation Network -
Made By Survivors is an international organization dedicated to fighting human trafficking and modern day slavery. They assist survivors of slavery and work to prevent slavery in high risk communities.
International Seafarer’s Association -
Coming alongside the Maritime Community with friendship, faith, and hospitality. Did you know that 95% of imported goods come to the US via ships? Did you also know that in many cases the crews working on the ships are not allowed to leave the ships while in port for lack of proper papers? ISA brings companionship and goods to ship-bound sailors. Hands-on opportunities include making Ditty Bags and knitted hats.
To offer comments and or to receive more information about our organization Please contact: Diane Murphy, Director, or write to: GFWC of Massachusetts, Junior Membership, P.O. Box 679, Sudbury, MA 01776-0679 GFWC of Massachusetts Headquarters is at 245 Dutton Road, Sudbury, MA. Click here for directions!