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GFWC of Massachusetts, Junior Membership

A little GFWC history ....the "Unity in Diversity" Motto
Ella Dietz Clymer gained a particular place of honor in Federation history as the auzthor of the GFWC motto, " Unity in Diversity."  Speaking to the delegates at the first conference in 1889 she said, "We look for unity, but unity in diversity.  We hope that you will enrich us by your varied experiences...." The aptness of the motto is evident in the diverse interests and methods of GFWC members, who have implemented a broad range of programs and projects tailored to meet the needs of their communties   Adopted as the official motto in 1957, it set the tone for the flexibility that has allowed GFWC to grow and adapt to the changing and diverse lifestyles and concerns of women throughout moret han a century of volunteer work. (GFWC Club Manual)

Jacquelyn Pierce, GFWC International President and Marge Nelson, the GFWC Illinois 2002-2004 President were invited to participate in the processional and opening celebrations of the Smithsonian American Indian Museum. They both were invited  to participate due to GFWC Illinois' assistance with the Chicago American Indian Center.  The club members of Illinois have been actively volunteering with this Center for over 50 years.
GFWC of Illinois has an Indian Affairs Chairman that serves on Illinois State Board and their membership have given scholarships, monies and goods to the Center over all those years.
Marge Nelson, the GFWC Illinois 2002-2004 President, had the Native Indian as her special project during her administration and had the Director of the Smithsonian American Indian Museum to one of our State Conventions as a guest speaker.

 Did you Know ? Many modern safety measures were early GFWC programs.  The Women?s Crusade for Seatbelts program, sponsored by GFWC in 1960, helped to advocate automobile safety and resulted in more than one million car seat belts installed in the course of one year. 

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