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GFWC Grants 2006-08

GFWC of Massachusetts, Junior Membership

"Plant a row for the Hungry" Grant Applications for
GFWC Clubs
Deadline: May 1,2007
Grants made possible through the generosity of Fafard, Inc.

click here to download"Plant a row for the Hungry" Grant Applications

Women?s Health Grants Available from GFWC

GFWC gratefully acknowledges Merck Pharmaceuticals Inc. for its support of the
GFWC Women?s Health Program
Interested in funding to help improve the health of women in your community?

GFWC can help you make that happen with up to $100 for club activities.


With very little effort, your club can apply for the funding necessary to start or improve your health initiative.  Please read over the guidelines found below, decide what your community needs, and fill out an application.  Simply develop and implement a worthwhile project and complete a simple evaluation form.



  • Funding is limited.  Grants will be awarded based on merit and project sustainability as outlined on the application.
  • Clubs that apply must hold active membership (per capita dues paying) in their state federations and in the General Federation of Women?s Clubs.
  • Club must complete an application.  Funding is available until it is gone or until November 9, 2007.
  • Clubs must use the funding to start or continue a health project.  Funding may be spent on trainings, materials, program promotion or anything the club feels the community needs.  Think creatively!
  • Funding may be up to but not exceed $100 per club.
  • Clubs must complete an evaluation, which will be included with the grant check if the club application is approved.


Applications are available:

  • By calling the Program Dept. at GFWC Headquarters at 202-347-3168
  • By emailing GFWC Headquarters at
  • By looking in the GFWC Clubwoman Magazine
  • By logging on the GFWC website at www.gfwc.org



GFWC Women?s Health Grant Application




City, State, Zip Code:_________________________________________



Mail, Fax or Email completed application to:

  • GFWC Headquarters, Attn. Program Dept., 1734 N St., NW, Washington, DC 20036
  • Fax: 202-835-0246
  • Email:


Provide a brief but detailed response to each of the following:

1.Write a brief description of the proposed health project.  Include basic goals.







2.List how the money will be spent.  Specify amounts for things like printing, materials, rental costs, refreshments etc.  DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!









3.List any organizations the club plans to work with on the proposed project (local government, health groups like American Heart or Cancer etc.)








Questions?  Contact Pat Nolan, GFWC Program Director at 202-347-3168 or                                                                              (2004-05)

Possible Uses for GFWC Health Grants



With the funding your club can:


  • Assist your club or community in initiating a health information program.  Use the GFWC grant as your ?start-up? funding.
  • Read the Women?s Health program in the GFWC Club Manual?s Home Life Department and devise your own idea for using the funding.
  • Work with local groups (health department, hospital, visiting nurses, senior center etc.) to present a health fair.  Use the funding for rental space, promotion, materials etc.
  • Print or purchase materials and distribute.  Use the resources provided in the Women?s Health program.
  • Hold monthly forums centered around a single issue (Heart Month, February: Diabetes Month, November: Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October etc.) and use the funding for promotion, materials etc.
  • Supply a local clinic with materials paid for by the grant.
  • Give mammography or bone density ?scholarships? to a few deserving women in the community.  Pay for the tests with the limited funding. Ask the test location to match the club?s gift.  Be sure to promote the club?s ?donation? to the community.
  • Provide calcium tablets to women at the local shelter.
  • Provide wigs or other needed items to women undergoing chemotherapy.  Work with the local branch of the American Cancer Society.
  • Gather chefs from local restaurants to present a ?cooking light? class highlighting low calorie and low fat recipes.  Offer during February/Heart Month.  Use the funding for the food, promotion etc.



 The following clubs that were awarded GFWC Grants in past administrations.
The following clubs that were awarded GFWC Grants in past administrations.
The Agawam Junior Women's Club received a GFWC Literacy Grant in the amount of $200.00 which will be used to sponsor a "Bingo for Books" program at our local town library. 
The Sandwich Juniors received a grant in the amount of $175 for Literacy, the money will be used to buy books for the "Read to Life" program under Heifer.
GFWC Marlborough  Junior Woman's Club received a $100 GFWC Foundation Grant for our New Horizons in Health Program. This Grant is sponsored by the Lilly Centre for Women's Health and the money will be used to support Kathleen's Heart Health for Woman Project.  We also received a $50 Community Improvement Grant sponsored by Shell Oil that will be used for Countryside Village's Room Makeover.   We ran an essay contest titled "Reading Makes Dreams Come True" at the local subsidized housing complex. The winner won a bedroom makeover courtesy of the Juniors