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GFWC of Massachusetts, Junior Membership

News from GFWC HQ

This page will contain updates from GFWC President Jacquelyn Pierce, members of GFWC Board of Directors, or the staff at GFWC Headquarters.

Violet Bouncing Left Arrow 3

GFWC Legislative Alert

Monday, July 23, 2007



Call Your Representatives NOW! Tell them ?Vote YES for funding new VAWA Programs?



On Tuesday, July 24, and Wednesday, July 25, the House of Representatives will vote on the Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill, which funds important Violence Against Women Act and Victims of Crime Act programs at the Department of Justice. 


Several amendments will be offered to protect VOCA and to fund critical new VAWA programs that provide services for children and youth, resources for Tribal communities, training and improvements for courts, and other funding that supports services for victims of all types of crime. 


Though the CJS bill increased appropriations for VAWA programs by $61.4 million, many important new programs received no funding at all.  Additionally, an increase in Crime Victim Compensation claims means there will be significant cuts to Victims of Crime Act funding for victim services unless more VOCA funding is distributed to states.


Representatives are offering three amendments to respond to these problems*


1. The Inslee-Burton Amendment, offered by Congressmen Jay Inslee (D-WA) and Dan Burton (R-IN), provides $6 million for services for children exposed to domestic violence and sexual assault, including services provided by shelters, rape crisis centers, and children?s organizations; $6 million for direct services for youth and teen victims of domestic and sexual violence; and $1 million for a Tribal sex offender and protection order registry to help stop serial perpetrators and $1 million for a study of violence committed against Native women.


2. The Reichert-Murphy Amendment, offered by Congressmen Dave Reichert (R-WA) and Chris Murphy (D-CT), allocates $5 million to train judges and create court practices that improve victim safety and hold perpetrators accountable.


3. The Poe Amendment, offered by Congressmen Ted Poe (R-TX), increases the amount of Victims of Crime Act Fund funding distributed to states for victim services in communities nationwide.  The Poe Amendment will prevent potentially devastating cuts to VOCA.





GFWC members have been crutial in supprting increased funding for VAWA already this year!  Amendment votes in both the House and Senate have been victorious in increasing initial appropriations.  VAWA and VOCA need your continued support.


The White House has discussed vetoing all appropriations bills that spend more than the amount requested in the President?s request.  Members of Congress and their staff are strategizing how to finish their appropriations bills despite the veto threat.  They will be negotiating amongst themselves and with the White House in the coming months.  A key part of their ability to pass funding increases will be grassroots support, which you as a GFWC clubwoman and advocate can have a vital part in.  Calls now also ensure that if compromises are made down the road, VAWA and VOCA will maintain funding increases.



Call or email your Representative today and tomorrow and urge them to vote ?YES? for the Inslee-Burton, Reichert-Murphy, and Poe amendments!


Tell them:

  • Your name, your club name, and the city and state you live in.
  • Please VOTE ?YES? for the Inslee-Burton Amendment, the Reichert-Murphy Amendment, and the Poe Amendment to the CJS bill.
  • Tell them how domestic violence programs will be hurt without funding.  Victims (especially children and youth) in your communities depend on receiving the full funding for vitial VAWA and VOCA programs.


Make your voices heard!  Call your Representaive today!

You can find contact information for your House of Representatives member at http://www.house.gov/.




Thank you being the grassroots voice of GFWC!  Your supprt is vitial for VAWA and VOCA programs. 






*For more details about any of these programs, visit National Network to End Domestic Violence www.nnedv.org/BriefingBook.pdf.  NNEDV is a membership and advocacy organization of state domestic violence coalitions, allied organizations, and supportive individuals, working closely with members to understand the ongoing and emerging needs of domestic violence victims and advocacy programs.  NNEDV has worked with GFWC on multiple occasions and is a valuable partner in the battle against domestic violence.



KATE KIKTA | Public Policy Director

July 20, 2007
Whenever a survey asks the reasons for remaining a GFWC member, the number one response is the friendships that are made through GFWC membership. Indeed, we often refer to our Federation Friends as our extended family. In times of joy or sorrow, our fellow club members are there to encourage and support us.  

Likewise, we always remember those who served in similar positions?Club Presidents remember the other Club Presidents from their District; Region Presidents, State Presidents and State Directors of Junior Clubs stay in touch with one another long after they have served in these positions; and it?s amazing how we even remember when we met a Federation Friend.

Many of those introductions are made at a State, Region, or GFWC International Conventions?which is another very important reason to attend GFWC meetings, conferences, and conventions.

This coming week, the ?Hollandettes? will be coming into Headquarters for a reunion. We served as State Presidents together under Ann Holland in 1992-94?and seven administrations later we remain close Federation Friends. 

As we gather together in a circle of Federation Friendship, we will be reminded of you?our extended family?our fellow members in GFWC.

Yours, in Federation Friendship,



We?re adding new materials and merchandise every week. Check out our current offerings through the GFWC Materials Center.

 Member Pin

The accessory no GFWC clubwoman should be without! Wear it proudly to proclaim your GFWC membership and promote our organization when asked, ?What?s that beautiful pin?? 

Price: $7 or 3/$15, includes shipping and handling

To purchase this or any GFWC materials and emblematic merchandise, contact the GFWC Materials Center at or 202/347-3168.


We continue to receive questions from clubs requesting tax exempt status under GFWC?s group exemption as a 501c3. We would appreciate your assistance in furthering club members? understanding of why we are not able to offer this.

It is true that for several years prior to 1989, GFWC did offer this umbrella coverage. However, in 1989, the GFWC Executive Committee decided to curtail further filings for clubs and state federations seeking nonprofit status under GFWC?s group exemption.

Reasons for this original decision include the fact that GFWC would have to hire additional staff to keep up with the paperwork and correspondence between the clubs, the IRS, and our accountants and attorneys. Additionally, GFWC is unable to act as tax advisors?tax-related issues are quite complex and can be confusing even for the most experienced legal consultants.

Since 1989, the GFWC Executive Committee has reviewed the possibility of adding clubs to the GFWC group exemption on several occasions, as recent as March 2007. Each time professionals were consulted, and GFWC was advised not to add clubs or state federations to the group exemption. GFWC would be responsible for ensuring that each club or state federation under the group exemption not only qualified to be added to the exemption, but that they continued to operate under all the provisions for nonprofit governance set forth for 501c3 organizations, the enforcement of which has become more stringent in recent years.

 We regret that GFWC is not able to include additional clubs or state federations under the group exemption. While GFWC still maintains a group exemption, it is only for those clubs and state federations that applied and were approved prior to 1989. Clubs and state federations may, of course, apply directly with the IRS for their own exemption.

For questions, please contact Beverly Manlove, GFWC finance director, at or 202/347-3168.

June 22, 2007

The 116th GFWC Annual International Convention in Philadelphia featured many outstanding speakers and awardees.  The main comment heard from each of these renowned personalities was ?GFWC is a premier organization whose members do so much good for so many worthwhile causes around the world!?  Certainly the events in the days following this Convention have proved this comment to be true. 

The majority of our 1,085 members in attendance at this Convention signed the ?Million Voices Against Domestic Violence? campaign pledge card as a founding member.  A national campaign to promote the awareness and prevention of domestic violence, this campaign brings recognition and credibility to our organization as we work together to end this social ill in our country (and you can add your voice below). 

GFWC continues to be a part of the mainstream of society?s leadership as we participated in The Department of Health and Human Services Leadership Forum convening America?s Leaders in Washington, DC, on June 13, and the UNICEF Annual Meeting in New York City on June 20. Elaine Ko-Talmadge, GFWC United Nations Program Chairman, has attended all UNICEF meetings with the GFWC International President during this administration. 

Your home at 1734 N Street also continues to be a vital part of the Washington, DC, scene.  Earlier today, 47 members and guests of GFWC Ohio visited the White House and then Headquarters.  Next week, members of GFWC Indiana will include Headquarters on their tour of our nation?s capital, and Sandy Taylor, GFWC Maryland Montgomery County District President, will join the GFWC International President in welcoming Ambassador?s wives to Headquarters. 

Yes, GFWC is a premier organization?due to you?the empowered member?who does so much good for so many worthwhile causes around the world. 

Yours, in Federation Service,

Jacquelyn Pierce, GFWC International President


Raise your voice! to End Domestic Violence

Are you ready to make your voice heard to end domestic violence?  The purpose of the Million Voices Campaign to End Domestic Violence in America is to create a national association of volunteers working with the Hotline to educate, inform, and raise awareness in their communities about solutions to domestic violence.

While the program will not be launched publicly until this fall when the web site and public awareness materials will be available online, the National Domestic Violence Hotline deeply appreciates the opportunity to share their vision and asks you to enroll as a voice being raised against domestic violence.  Click on the link above for your chance to enroll.

Join in a Juniors? Cruise to the Bahamas

Take a break from the winter blues in February 2008, and set sail on a 4-day, 4-night cruise to the Bahamas aboard the fun-filled Carnival ship Sensation.

Join your Federation friends and experience all that a Carnival cruise has to offer?white sand beaches, water sports, duty-free shopping, delightful dining, exciting nightlife, and a relaxing onboard spa.  These are just a few of the things that make this vacation simply sensational.


Sunday, Feb. 3               Depart Port Canaveral, Fla.

Monday, Feb. 4              Arrive in Freeport, Bahamas

Tuesday, Feb. 5             Arrive in Nassau, Bahamas

Wednesday, Feb. 6         Depart Nassau, Bahamas, and enjoy Fun Day at Sea

Thursday, Feb. 7            Arrive at Port Canaveral, Fla.


Oceanview Cabin (Category 6D): $436    Inside Cabin (Category 4D): $356  Upgrades available

 For questions or to make a reservation, please contact at Cruise Planners at 1-866/872-6294 or .  A deposit of $150 per person is due at booking with final payment due on Dec. 5, 2007.


LIMITED AVAILABILITY ? The GFWC MedToteTM is practical, accessible, and easy to carry.  A red case with a silver imprint of GFWC emblem, it?s constructed with elastic loops to hold five medication bottles, allowing individuals to store, organize, and transport medications, and it also helps to reduce the risk of taking the wrong medication.  In addition it has a magnifier to assist in reading the medication labels and instructions; as well as compartments for physician notes and referrals.

Price: $12 (includes S&H)

To purchase this item or any GFWC emblematic merchandise, contact the GFWC Materials Center at or 202/347-3168.

 General Federation of Women?s Clubs, http://www.gfwc.org/

 © 2007 General Federation of Women?s Clubs. All rights reserved.Permission is required to reprint articles and appropriate credit must be given.     Please contact GFWC at or 202/347-3168 for more information. 

Please click here to download GFWC Headquarters Highlights May/June 2007

You were represented this past week at two very important Domestic Violence events:

 1.     On Tuesday, May 22, GFWC New York President Kathy Canzano and I attended the initial planning meeting for the Millions Voices Campaign to End Domestic Violence in America. Sheryl Cates, CEO, National Domestic Violence Hotline, has asked that GFWC partner this campaign with their national coalition and that the voices of GFWC members be the first to be heard! 

2.     On Wednesday, May 23, several GFWC Board of Directors members joined the GFWC/Delaware Federation of Women's Clubs Executive Committee in lending our presence and support to the GFWC Federation Guild in Delaware. Over 250 members and guests participated in the Go Purple Fashion Show Luncheon and Golf Tournament chaired by Trish Rodriguez, club president and member of the GFWC Empowering Women Committee.  Present at this event and bringing accolades to the members of GFWC for their work in the prevention and awareness of Domestic Violence were the Delaware Governor Ruth Ann Minner and Attorney General Beau Biden. From the emails, invitations, and newspaper clippings received at Headquarters, we know that you are making your voices to end abuse heard across this great nation of ours!

Two weeks from today we will be celebrating at the GFWC Pennsylvania State Night at the Philadelphia Marriott Hotel in downtown Philadelphia!  We are thrilled that we will be welcoming over 1,000 members and guests scheduled to attend this 116th GFWC Annual International Convention to the city of brotherly love.

And now we are asking for those members attending the 116th GFWC Annual International Convention in Philadelphia to be dressed in purple on Monday, June 11. Victor Rivas Rivers, luncheon speaker that day, will have everyone in awe when he presents his program. In turn, we would like to awe Victor with a sea of purple!

Yours, in Federation Service,

Jacquelyn Pierce

GFWC International President

 Mariane Pearl to Accept Croly Journalism Prize at 116th Annual International Convention

GFWC is proud to announce that Mariane Pearl - author of A Mighty Heart: The Brave Life and Death of My Husband, Danny Pearl, and columnist for Glamour magazine - will attend the 2007 convention to accept the 12th Annual Jane Cunningham Croly Print Journalism Award for Excellence in Covering Issues of Concern to Women.

 Three articles from Pearl's "Global Diary" column in Glamour were entered into the Croly Journalism contest: "The Sex Slave Tragedy" (September 2006); "The Women Who Dare Defy a Dictator" (October 2006); and "She Stands Up to the Toughest Criminals" (December 2006). Pearl has written for publications including The New York Times, Conde Nast Traveler, and The Sunday Times of London. She lives in Paris with her five-year-old son, Adam.

 Recognizing a journalist who is making significant contributions to the understanding and advancement of women's issues, the contest is named for GFWC founder Jane Croly, who dedicated her life to helping women improve their lives and expand their rights.

 The Croly Journalism Prize will be awarded on Sunday, June 10. For more information, please contact Nikki Willoughby, Communications and Public Relations Director, at or 202/347-3168 x149.


Although the deadlines for the GFWC Domestic Violence and Plant A Row for the Hungry club grants have passed, there are still many GFWC Women's Health club grants available.  Visit www.gfwc.org or contact Pat Nolan, Program Director, at to obtain an application. 


This USA and GFWC flag set is a quick and easy way to decorate a head table, enliven a centerpiece, or promote GFWC at a community event.  Each flag is 4" x 6" and set in a small base.

Price: $12 per set or $20 for 2 sets (includes S&H)

 To purchase these or any GFWC emblematic merchandise, contact the GFWC Materials Center at or 202/347-3168 ext. 132

General Federation of Women's Clubs

1734 N Street NW | Washington, DC 20036

202/347-3168 | fax: 202/835-0246


May 11,2007

What an exciting time to be a GFWC club member!  Clubs are sponsoring their annual spring luncheons, fundraisers, and membership drives; and state federations have been conducting outstanding state conventions where attendance, enthusiasm, and celebrations have been overwhelming.

At GFWC Headquarters, the final details and finishing touches are being added to the GFWC 116th Annual International Convention in Philadelphia.  The final day for registration is today, May 11. I hope that you have already made your reservations and that we will see YOU from June 9-11, 2007, where we will each demonstrate and experience the theme:  ?GFWC?Empowering Women?One by One!? 

 Yours, in Federation Service,

Jacquelyn Pierce,

GFWC International President

Response to Tornado in Kansas

As most of you are aware, a devastating tornado struck southwestern Kansas the evening of Friday, May 4, killing at least 10 people and destroying approximately 95 percent of the town of Greensburg. GFWC Kansas would like to thank clubwomen from around the country who have inquired about clubs and members in their state and wish to express appreciate for all the prayers for and donations to the community of Greensburg, Kansas.

 For those of you who have asked, ?How can I help,? money is the MOST needed and usable item for those who have lost everything.  GFWC Kansas is asking that those who wish to make a donation do so to:

 American Red Cross

PO Box 37243

Washington, DC 20013

To ensure that your donation goes directly to this affected community, please indicate that it is for ?Greensburg, KS Only.?

For more information or to donate online, visit American Red Cross Response to Midwest Tornadoes.


The Spring 2007 edition of Membership Matters will be mailed within the next week.  This free newsletter is available by postal mail to State Presidents and State Directors of Junior Clubs; State Membership Chairmen/Junior Membership Chairmen; District Presidents/Junior District Presidents; District Membership Chairmen/Junior Membership Chairman; and individual club members who subscribe (one to a club, please). In the near future, Membership Matters will be available to all club members by email.

To sign subscribe to Membership Matters, please contact Debbe Gladstone, GFWC Membership Director, at or 202/347-3168.

GFWC in the Media ? Call for Press Clips to Display at Convention

The Public Relations Department is issuing a call for press clips to be displayed in the Media Resource Center at the 116th Annual International Convention. If your club or members have been mentioned in local newspapers or regional magazines, bring a copy of the clips with you to Philadelphia and add them to our Press Clips display. This is a great way to share your great PR success with other clubs, and also helps convention attendees generate ideas on publicizing their own volunteer efforts. Clips will become part of the public relations archive and may be used in PR workshops or in media outreach in the future.

If you have questions, please contact Nikki Willoughby, Public Relations Director, at 202/347-3168 ext.149 or email

All Club Photo Contest Deadline Extended!

Does your club toot its horn by promenading in a community parade? Do you flaunt on a float? If you haven?t entered your club photo into the 2006-2007 All Club Photo Contest, you now have an extra week to do so, as entries are now due on May 25, 2006. This year?s theme is ?Clubwomen on Parade? and we are looking for action photos demonstrating how your members are out and about in your communities.

 Voting will take place at the 116th Annual International Convention in Philadelphia, where winners also will be announced. Prizes will be awarded for the two photos that best demonstrate how clubs can make themselves visible in a positive way at community events. $100 first prize and $75 second prize.


Photo must include GFWC emblem or club name

·         Clubs may enter only one time and send only one photo

·         Photos but be either 4x6? or 5x7?; color or black & white accepted

·         Do not mat or frame photos

·         Include a caption on the back or on a separate sheet of paper: include photographer?s name, club name, city/state, contact person (with address, phone/email)

·         Photos will not be returned

 Send photos and captions to Nikki Willoughby, Public Relations Director, at GFWC Headquarters, 1734 N Street NW, Washington, DC, 20036. Call 202/347-3168 ext.149 or email with questions.


Come February 2008, will you be longing for sunshine, white-sand beaches, and palm trees? Consider vacationing on a cruise with other Junior and General club members! This year, the group will travel to the Bahamas aboard the Carnival ship Sensation, leaving from Port Canaveral, Florida, and stopping in Freeport and Nassau. Rates are $436 for ocean view cabins and $356 for inside cabins, with select upgrades available. For more information, or to book a reservation, please contact Roberta Fenska with Cruise Planners at 856/435-4118 or .


Perfect for your coffee, tea, or other beverage of choice during a early morning walk or a long commute, this patented 14-ounce stainless steel travel mug features dual-wall construction with foam insulation for optimum heat retention; a contoured, rubberized handle for a roomy, comfy grip; a spill-resistant lid with a thumb slide closure; a non-skid bottom, and comes packaged in a blue-flock drawstring gift pouch.  HAND WASH ONLY?not dishwasher safe.  Price: $15 + shipping.

 To purchase these or any GFWC emblematic merchandise, contact the GFWC Materials Center at or 202/347-3168 ext. 132.

May 4, 2007

Dear Fellow Club Members,

In less than five weeks we will be attending the 116th GFWC Annual International Convention in Philadelphia!  This promises to be a most exciting and rewarding GFWC Convention, especially if you are there to experience the outstanding programs, awards, entertainment, tours and workshops! The convention theme ?GFWC?Empowering Women?One by One? will be a celebration of you in recognition of your volunteer service through GFWC.


Yours, In Federation Service,

Jacquelyn Pierce

GFWC International President



Important GFWC convention update
We hope you are planning to join us for the GFWC Annual International Convention, June 9-11, 2007 at the Philadelphia Marriott in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We truly look forward to seeing each of you and hope that you enjoy this convention as much as we have enjoyed planning it! We are extending the Convention Registration Deadline to Friday, May 11, 2007.  Events are selling out quickly and we recommend that you register as soon as possible.

To register for the GFWC Annual International Convention please visit the GFWC website at www.gfwc.org and click on Meetings for the complete Call to Convention and the easy online registration.

The deadline to reserve your hotel is still Monday, May 7, 2007. To reserve your hotel room please visit the following website http://cwp.marriott.com/phldt/gfwn/ to automatically receive the special GFWC group rate.  Please note that the hotel is completely sold out for the night of June 6, 2007.

We are here to help in any way we can ? please call 202-347-3168 ext. 143 or e-mail  with any questions.


General Federation of Women?s Clubs

1734 N Street NW | Washington, DC 20036

202/347-3168 | fax: 202/835-0246



On Tuesday, April 24th, GFWC members around the world will be celebrating Federation Day. This is a most important day on the GFWC calendar, and I hope that you and your fellow club members have made plans for this special day of celebration.   

If you?re looking for an idea for Federation Day, consider sponsoring a ?GFWC Run for a Life Race for Domestic Violence,? as discussed in an article by GFWC President?s Special Project Chairman Nannette White in the February/March Issue of GFWC Clubwoman.

 Many of you already have plans for this special day to highlight our special focus on Domestic Violence awareness and prevention, and we ask that you send your stories and photos to GFWC Publications Director Jeff Harse so that these can be shared in future GFWC communications.

The GFWC Staff are also in the midst of their plans and preparations to celebrate Federation Day in a manner that will empower those who most need our assistance. These hard working, dedicated staff members will be coordinating the efforts of other Washington, D.C. organizations and associations in giving items of clothing and accessories to the ?Dress for Success? program here in DC.

Eleven days remain?let?s join together in ?Empowering Women?One by One? on Tuesday, April 24?Federation Day!

Yours, in Federation Service,

Jacquelyn Pierce,

GFWC International President   


Beginning on Mother?s Day, May 13, until May 26, 2007, HomeGoods and Marshalls stores nationwide will host an annual in-store fundraising campaign in support of the Family Violence Prevention Fund (FVPF). Funds raised from both campaigns will support FVPF?s violence prevention education, training and awareness programs across the country. On behalf of all the women and children who will ultimately benefit from this campaign, the FVPF encourages all GFWC members to shop HomeGoods and Marshalls during this two week period and help support our efforts. And please be sure to donate $1 at the register, because every dollar counts!


As part of GFWC?s campaign against domestic violence, our 2007 Federation Day and Volunteers in Action Week service project will focus on activities benefiting Dress for Success, a nonprofit organization that seeks to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support, and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. The staff at GFWC Headquarters is coordinating a suit drive and will be inviting local coalition partners and related organizations to participate. Clubs are encouraged to contribute as well, either as part of the GFWC Headquarters project or by hosting their own suit drives.

How Clubs Can Participate

Clubs that wish to participate in the Dress for Success service project can create activities in their own communities. To organize a suit drive, you will need to:

1.       Contact your nearest Dress for Success affiliate to:

    1. Inquire about its clothing needs. If the organization cannot accept any more apparel donations at that time ask about doing an accessory or shoe drive.
    2. Inform them that you are planning a suit drive.
    3. Receive instructions.

2.       Pick the dates of your suit drive. One day? A whole week? Determine how you can extend the service project to achieve maximum results.

3.       Pick a time and place for people to drop off their donated items. You will need to be sure that contributions can be locked away at night.

4.       Arrange for a moving or delivery service to pick up the donated items and bring them to the participating Dress for Success affiliate location.

5.       Plan to collect financial contributions. Suit drives usually include financial donations from the participants, such as the host company and its employees. Providing this option also encourages men to take part in the event.

or additional information, log on to the Dress for Success website at http://www.dressforsuccess.org/ and find the local affiliate near you.


Does someone in your club have the talent to create a unique button to commemorate your involvement in GFWC Volunteers in Action Week?  We want to see how your club promotes its commitment to volunteer service.


  • Button can be any shape, but measurements should not exceed 3?x3?
  • ?GFWC? and ?Volunteers in Action? must be prominently displayed
  • Black and white or color submissions are acceptable
  • Do not use copyrighted images/graphics
  • Include the club name, city/state, contact person, with address, phone/email on the back of the photo button
  • Buttons will not be returned
  • Please send buttons by May 14, 2006, to: Volunteers in Action Button Contest, GFWC, 1734 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20036

The top buttons will be displayed at the 2007 GFWC Convention, convention attendees will vote on a winner and the winning club will be announced at the GFWC Convention in Philadelphia in June.

Please contact Erica Sterling at or 202/347-3168 ext. 150 with any questions.


July 4th!  Veteran?s Day!  Thanksgiving!  Does your club toot its horn by promenading in a community parade?  Does your club flaunt on a float?  Does your club prove that its dandy by throwing candy? 

We want to see how your club walks the walk!  Share photos illustrating how your members let the community know you are there:

  • Wo-manning a booth at a community festival
  • Riding on a float in a parade
  • Marching in a parade
  • Walking with a club banner in a fundraising walk-a-thon
  • Cooking up a storm at a community event

 You get the ?picture,? so send us the picture!  REQUIRED:  photo must include GFWC emblem or club name!

Prizes will be awarded for the two photos that best demonstrate how your club makes itself visible in a positive way at a community event:  $100 first prize and $75 second prize.  But everyone is a winner!


  • Clubs may enter only one time and send only one photo
  • Photos must be either 4x6 or 5x7 inches; color or black & white.  Do not mat or frame the photos.
  • Include a caption on the back of the photo on or a separate sheet of paper.
  • Include the photographer?s name, club name, city/state, contact person, with address, phone/email on the back of the photo
  • Submit photos on or before May 16, 2007 to: GFWC Club Photo Contest, 1734 N Street, NW, Washington, DC  20036

Spread the Domestic Violence Awareness

Are you looking for favors or speaker gifts for an upcoming meeting? GFWC is pleased to offer three very special GFWC Domestic Violence Awareness items:

  •  GFWC Domestic Violence Awareness Pin?$5
  • GFWC Domestic Violence Awareness Tote Bag?$20
  • GFWC Domestic Violence Wristbands?5 for $3
  • Don?t Forget Our Special Bargain?    Order the Tote Bag and Pin together for a special price of $20

 All proceeds from the sale of these GFWC items will be designated towards club grants and outreach efforts of the GFWC President?s Special Project: Domestic Violence. 

 You can view these items and print the order form by using the following link:


 All prices above include shipping and handling. To purchase the GFWC Domestic Violence Awareness items, contact the GFWC Materials Center at or 202/347-3168 ext. 132.


VICTORY -- The Biden VAWA Budget amendment passed unanimously! 

Thank you for all your calls and emails to your Senators. 

Our efforts paid off!  The Biden amendment to the budget will increase the funds available for VAWA programs by $100 million.  This is critical in our efforts to increase funding for VAWA in the Budget and Appropriations process for FY 2008. 

This is a HUGE SUCCESS -- and it is DIRECTLY due to your calls.

Now that the Biden amendment has passed, the Senate Budget Resolution includes more money that can be available for VAWA programs.  The House and Senate will now have to work out a compromise Budget Resolution, so we may need action in the future to ensure this funding is in the final Budget Resolution.

The good news is that this means the Appropriations Committee will likely have more money in the Budget Resolution to enable them fully fund VAWA programs!  It also puts the Senate on record as supporting increased VAWA funding ? a big help during the Appropriations process. 

The way the Budget and Appropriations process works can be confusing.  For a brief summary of the process, visit our web site at: http://www.nnedv.org/pdf/BudgetandAppropriationsOverview.pdf.

Action is still needed to ensure VAWA funding!

If you didn't get the chance to call your Senator, please take the time to call or meet with them over the next two weeks.  Early spring is when Congress is making many decisions about Federal funding ? it is our primary window of opportunity to increase VAWA funding.  There are 2 things you can do to take action.

1)  Ask your Senators to sign on to the Biden/Crapo letter requesting full funding for VAWA.

Senator Biden (D-DE) and Senator Crapo (R-ID) are circulating a letter in the Senate requesting full funding for VAWA in the Appropriations process.  The letter would be sent to the leadership of the Appropriations Committee, and must have many signatures to tell them how important VAWA funding is! 

The deadline for Senators to sign the letter is April 13, but it currently only has 13 signatures! (Below is a full list.)

Hearing from you makes a huge difference!  Thanks to your calls and letters, 136 US Representatives signed a similar letter that was circulated in the House.  It?s a great success and wouldn?t have been possible without you.  Visit www.nnedv.org/funding to see a copy of the letter and a list of the Representatives who signed it.



** The city and state you are calling from. 

 ** "Thank you for supporting the Biden VAWA amendment to increase funding in the Budget resolution for domestic violence programs."  

 ** "Please sign on to the appropriations letter being circulated by Senators Biden and Crapo requesting full funding for VAWA."

If they would like more information about the letter, please inform them that they can contact either Senator Biden?s office at (202) 224-9488 or Senator Crapo's office at (202) 224-7500.

** If you have time, tell them why your city or state needs funding for VAWA programs. Talk about increased demand for services and unmet needs OR share successes from VAWA-funded programs.

For contact information for your Senators, visit http://www.senate.gov/ or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Never called your Members of Congress before?  Don't worry, it's easy!


When you call your Senators, your call will be answered by a receptionist.  Tell him or her that you want to leave a message for the Senator.  The receptionist will take down your message.

2)  Meet with your Members of Congress during April recess.

At the beginning of the month, members of both the Senate and House of Representatives will be in recess.  During this time most members of Congress are working at home in their state or district.  The Senate will be in recess from April 2 - 9, and the House will be in recess from April 2-13. 

Members need to hear from you?their constituents?about the work that your domestic violence program does and the critical support that federal VAWA and VOCA dollars provide to your community.   

Recess provides a great opportunity to talk with members at town hall meetings, community events, or by setting up an appointment with them directly.  Coordinate with your state coalition to plan meetings.  You can also invite the Member of Congress to visit your program and learn about domestic violence services first-hand.  Talking points to help you discuss your funding needs and how VAWA can help meet them are available on the NNEDV web site at www.nnedv.org/funding.

Current Signers for Senate VAWA Full Funding Letter

Senator Biden (D-DE)

Senator Boxer (D-CA)

Senator Cantwell (D-WA)

Senator Collins (R-ME)

Senator Crapo (R-ID)

Senator Durbin (D-IL)

Senator Kerry (D-MA)

Senator Leahy (D-VT)

Senator Levin (D-MI)

Senator Lieberman (D-CT)

Senator Obama (D-IL)

Senator Roberts (R-KS)

Senator Sanders (D-VT)

Please act now and share this information with the club members in your state.  Together, we can make a difference!

Dear GFWC members,

The months of April and May are fast approaching and, in the world of GFWC, that means it?s time for GFWC State Conventions!  I join my fellow officers serving on the GFWC Executive Committee in thanking the state federations for the kind invitations that have been extended. We are all mindful that we are attending these conventions as guests and to assist in any way possible. Our mission is to update our members on GFWC programs and projects and to have the opportunity to express our appreciation to the members for their outstanding commitment to community volunteer service through GFWC membership. In the meantime, staff at GFWC Headquarters and the club members of GFWC Pennsylvania are all involved in completing the final details for the 116th GFWC Annual International Convention, to be held in Philadelphia from June 9-11 ?GFWC?Empowering Women?One by One? is the theme, and the goal is that each and every member who attends will become empowered from their convention experiences at state and at national level. Again, thank you for all you do for GFWC. I look forward to greeting you at our upcoming conventions!  

Yours, in Federation Service,

Jacquelyn Pierce

GFWC International President


Thank you to all of the clubs that sent their reports to GFWC Headquarters.  Learning about the many projects that you do to improve your communities is both humbling and inspiring.  Look for examples of ideas that can be replicated in your club, individual program totals, and, of course, the Federation-wide totals in the GFWC Program Department's Annual Report, which will be available at the GFWC International Convention in Philadelphia and by mail thereafter. For more information, contact Pat Nolan, GFWC Program Director, at .




It's not too late to submit an application for funding through one of GFWC?s program grants. We currently have two grants available: Domestic Violence Awareness (deadline May 14, 2007) and Plant A Row for the Hungry (deadline May 1, 2007).  For an application or more information, contact Pat Nolan, GFWC Programs Director, at



President?s Tour to Italy?s Great Cities ? LAST CHANCE!

The deadline for booking a reservation on the President?s Tour to Italy is fast approaching.  All deposits must be made by April 6.  Don?t miss this fantastic opportunity to tour the Great Cities of Italy with International President Jacquelyn Pierce and other clubwomen from around the country.


The travel dates are August 3-11, 2007, with a total price per person of $2577 (from New York/JFK), $2728 (from Chicago/O?Hare), and $2801 (from San Francisco).  Prices include land tours, airfare from selected cities, air taxes, and sightseeing.  Air taxes may be subject to change, and additional fuel surcharges may apply.  An AARP discount of $50 per AARP member and insurance and travel protection plus are also available.


For additional information, or to book a reservation, please contact Cindy at Touriffic Travel, 610/544-6222 or . The tour code is ZJ 70804.  To receive a detailed brochure or for more information, contact Erica Sterling, GFWC Executive Assistant, at .



GFWC Emblematic Items Available

Have you run out of your GFWC~It?s a VOLUNTEER Thing!TM Post-it Notes?


Each personalized, 50-page adhesive notepad is great for jotting notes, phone numbers, email addresses, or everyday ideas.  And, we now have these in stock through the GFWC Materials Center ? 4 notepads for $5 (price includes shipping and handling).


To order these or any other GFWC emblematic items or materials, please contact Lisa Jumper, GFWC Materials Center Coordinator, at .


General Federation of Women?s Clubs

1734 N Street NW | Washington, DC 20036

202/347-3168 | fax: 202/835-0246



Dear GFWC Club Member,


GFWC Headquarters is bustling with activity this week. The members of the GFWC Executive Committee and the GFWC Budget and Finance Committee are conducting their meetings. The GFWC President?s Assistants are here to host the committees as well as the GFWC Women?s History Month Observance today. It was a beautiful event and I only wish each of you could have been here to join us in honoring Betty Monkman, White House Curator. Following the program, members had the opportunity for Ms. Monkman to personally autograph copies of her book, ?Treasures of the White House? and to partake in a most elegant morning coffee. I trust that you and your fellow club members will observe Women?s History Month during this month of March. In so doing, please remember that it is not just ?his-story? but it is also ?her-story!?


Yours, in Federation Service

Jacquelyn Pierce



Celebrate Women?s History Month!

The National Women's History Museum is honored to begin National Women's History Month with the NWHM CyberMuseum online exhibition featuring the rich histories of the national organizations that form the NWHM Coalition. GFWC is proud to be a member of this Coalition. The exhibition can be accessed through the NWHM Web site www.nwhm.org.

This newest CyberMuseum exhibition reminds us once again that women's organizations have been a major and dynamic force in addressing women's and societal issues in America. The histories of our organizations are among the rich treasure-troves of American women's history that are not readily available to the general public. 

The NWHM is honored to share these histories through this exhibition and appreciates your support in assuring that these and other similar histories are preserved forever as a legacy in the National Women's History Museum in Washington, DC.



Deadline for Jane Cunningham Croly Print Journalism Contest Extended!

Due to overwhelming interest, we have extended the deadline for journalists to enter the Jane Cunningham Croly Print Journalism Contest for Excellence in Covering Issues of Concern to Women. Submissions are now due by March 31, 2007. 


Now in its 12th year, the Croly contest honors GFWC's founder, an outstanding 19th Century journalist who devoted her life to helping women improve their lives and expand their rights. A panel of judges review articles submitted by women and men at major newspapers, magazines, and news services around the country, and each year the Federation presents a $1000 cash award to the reporter who, like Jane Cunningham Croly, demonstrates excellence in covering issues of concern to women. The winner will be notified by May 5, 2007, and will be awarded a $1,000 check at GFWC's International Convention in Philadelphia, PA, June 9-12, 2007. (Airfare and expenses will be paid by GFWC.)


For more information about the contest, visit our website at http://www.gfwc.org/contests.jsp?pageId=gfwc_org_57 or contact Nikki Willoughby, Public Relations Director, at or 202.347.3168 ext. 149.


*Please note that this contest is not open to GFWC members.



Deadline Extended for Video Submissions

Video submissions for the GFWC video are still being accepted! Our deadline has been extended to March 31. Submit a video showing you and your fellow club members in action and your club may be included in the new GFWC video that will premier and be available for sale at the GFWC International Convention in Philadelphia!


For more information, or questions regarding your submissions, please contact Nikki Willoughby, Public Relations Director, at or 202.347.3168 ext. 149.



Update on the President?s Tour to Italy?s Great Cities

We have received many requests for information on the President?s Tour to Italy?s Great Cities, and as a result spaces are filling up fast! If you have decided that you would like to join President Pierce, and travel with other GFWC members to Rome, Pisa, Florence, Verona, and Venice, we suggest booking your reservation soon!


The travel dates are August 3-11, 2007, with a total price per person of $2577 (from JFK), $2728 (from ORD), and $2801 (from SFO).  Prices include land tour, airfare from selected cities, air taxes, and sightseeing.  Air taxes may be subject to change, and additional fuel surcharges may apply.  An AARP discount of $50 per AARP member and insurance and travel protection plus are also available.


Deposits are due by April 6, 2007. For additional information, or to book a reservation, please contact Cindy at Touriffic Travel, 610/544-6222 or . The tour code is ZJ 70804.  If you would like to receive a detailed brochure, please e-mail your mailing address to .



Support domestic violence awareness and gfwc

Are you looking for favors or speaker gifts for an upcoming meeting?


GFWC is pleased to offer NEW GFWC Domestic Violence Awareness items through the Materials Center.  All proceeds from the sale of these GFWC items will be designated towards club grants and outreach efforts of the GFWC President?s Special Project: Domestic Violence.


GFWC Domestic Violence Awareness Pin - $5

Show your pride in GFWC membership and awareness of domestic violence with GFWC?s gold plated purple ribbon pin with GFWC emblem (butterfly clasp).


GFWC Domestic Violence Awareness Tote Bag - $20

This nylon and vinyl purple tote bag features an interior zippered pouch for smaller items and a snap-top closure, and it is perfect for ferrying your GFWC club materials.


GFWC Domestic Violence Wristbands ? 5 for $3

Purple silicone wristbands with No Excuse for Abuse imprint are a fashionable and discreet way to promote domestic violence awareness.


Special Bargain ? Order the Tote Bag and Pin together for a special price of $20.


All prices above include shipping and handling. To view the domestic violence awareness items, visit http://www.gfwc.org/, and to purchase any of these items, contact the GFWC Materials Center at or 202/347-3168 ext. 132).


Dear GFWC Members,


Please consider this email a picture post card from your fellow GFWC members, their families and friends from the fascinating and awe-inspiring country of China. While participating on the GFWC President?s Tour to China, it is most fitting that on March 8th we will be celebrating International Women?s Day internationally ? in China. Certainly the opportunity to travel on a GFWC President?s Tour is just one more benefit of GFWC membership. Why not take advantage of such a benefit and join the GFWC International President and your fellow members on the next conducted tour?to Italy from August 3-11, 2007? Contact if you would like to receive a detailed brochure regarding this tour (and see below for more information).


In closing, as is written on every post card greeting?we wish you were here!


Yours, in Federation Service,

Jacquelyn Pierce

GFWC International President



Plan USA Update

The GFWC International President and GFWC Reaching Out Internationally Chairman Nancy Jones have returned from their site visit with Plan USA to the Dominican Republic. GFWC has partnered with Plan USA for many years and is part of the new women?s issues programs that are being introduced. For more information, and an opportunity for your club to become involved (and ?win? a similar site visit to the Dominican Republic), please contact .



Campaign for Funding to End Domestic and Sexual Violence

Representing GFWC at the ?Campaign for Funding to End Domestic and Sexual Violence? on Tuesday, February 27, were the GFWC Public Policy Director Kate Kikta and the GFWC International President. The day?s activities included a briefing luncheon on Capitol Hill and a reception that evening at the Library of Congress. This special campaign has been called ?Investing in Women?s Lives? and is co-sponsored by Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD); Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX); Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA); Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH); The National Alliance to End Sexual Violence and The National Network to End Domestic Violence. The luncheon and the reception were made possible by Avon, Mary Kay and Southern Living at Home. Once again, GFWC is demonstrating their commitment to end abuse by their presence at a national event.



International Women?s Day?March 8

The members participating on the GFWC Tour to China will be observing this day with special ceremonial events planned by the Chinese Women?s League.  As a member of GFWC, an international organization, please observe this day by remembering your fellow club members who represent GFWC around the world.



Join the PR mailing list!

Are you getting the most up-to-date GFWC news? Join the public relations mailing list to receive press releases, award announcements, event invitations, advance notice on news and features, notes about observances by GFWC and its coalition partners and more! Not only will PR emails help you stay current on GFWC news, they will also provide updates on programs that you can share with your club and offer examples of the kind of PR outreach that is available and recommended for your activities.


To join the PR mailing list, send your contact information to with the subject line "subscribe".


For questions about GFWC public relations and outreach, please contact Nikki Willoughby, GFWC Communications & Public Relations Director, at or 202/347-3168 ext. 149.



Escape to Italy this August

The evenings are balmy and the sites are spectacular.  If you?re still looking for an August holiday destination, look no further?travel with GFWC to Italy?s Great Cities: Rome, Pisa, Florence, Verona, and Venice.  Join President Pierce and other GFWC members on a nine-day trip that will show you the highlight cities of Italy.


The travel dates are August 3-11, 2007, with a total price per person of $2577 (from JFK), $2728 (from ORD), and $2801 (from SFO).  Prices include land tour, airfare from selected cities, air taxes, and sightseeing.  Air taxes may be subject to change, and additional fuel surcharges may apply.  An AARP discount of $50 per AARP member and insurance and travel protection plus are also available.


Deposits are due by April 6, 2007. For additional information, or to book a reservation, please contact Cindy at Touriffic Travel, 610/544-6222 or . The tour code is ZJ 70804.  If you would like to receive a detailed brochure, please e-mail your mailing address to .



GFWC Federation Day & Fifth Annual GFWC Volunteers in Action Week

Are you participating?  GFWC?s 5th Annual Volunteers in Action Week is April 21?28, 2007, and GFWC Federation Day is April 24.


Refer to the February/March issue of the GFWC Clubwoman magazine for more information on Volunteers in Action Week and GFWC Federation Day.  In addition, you can order the GFWC Federation Day Celebration Guide from the GFWC Materials Center ( ? 202/347-3168).  And, don?t forget to tell us what you did!  (Email your club/state?s Volunteers in Action activities to ).   


Dear GFWC Members,


Aloha!  The GFWC Western States Region President Bobby Bjork and I are meeting with fellow GFWC Hawaii club members.  What a joy to return, once again, to this state federation and to have the opportunity to express sincere gratitude, on behalf of GFWC, to these members for their continued support.


After leaving Hawaii, it will be back to Headquarters for one day before departing with GFWC Reaching Out Internationally Chairman Nancy Jones and Plan USA Manager Janet Moretti for the Dominican Republic.  There we will be witnessing the success of the GFWC/Plan USA project:  ?Microfinance for Women:  Building Assets in the Communities.? Your support of this project improves the quality of life of the families of the women involved by promoting the social and financial empowerment of the women by enrolling them in economic activities that increases the family income in order to provide better conditions for their children.


It is rewarding to note that the continued support of our members, from ?sea to shining sea,? does make a difference in empowering women?one by one!


Yours, in Federation Service,


Jacquelyn Pierce

GFWC International President



You?re Invited to a Special Celebration?

As most of you know, March is Women's History Month. This marks an excellent opportunity to highlight the achievements of women throughout history and I encourage you to participate.


GFWC will be holding a special event to celebrate this month ? and we cordially invite you to join us. On March 16, 2007, 10am-12pm, please join us at GFWC Headquarters in Washington, DC, at our Women?s History Month Observance event when we honor Ms. Betty C. Monkman.  Ms. Monkman has worked in the White House curator?s office since 1967?first as a museum registrar, then associate curator, and since 1997 as curator, a position initiated by First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and made permanent in 1964 by Executive Order by President Lyndon B. Johnson.  Ms. Monkman planned and curated the first exhibition on the White House in 1992 and continues to work closely on other exhibits at the White House Visitor Center.  She has written a number of articles on White House decorative arts and lectured throughout the country.


Ms. Monkman will autograph copies of her book, The White House: Its Historic Furnishings and First Families, at this observance event.


To RSVP, please email Erica Sterling at or call 202/347-3168 ext. 150 by March 9, 2007.



National Women?s History Month ? March 2007

Generations of Women Moving History Forward

For those who may be interested in celebrating women?s history in your own community, please visit the National Women?s History Project?s website at http://www.nwhp.org/ for ideas on how to create your own celebration for your club. Or, visit their bulletin board with lists of local events that are open to the public.


However you choose to commemorate this month, remember that GFWC is one of the world?s oldest and largest women?s organizations in the country. As members, we should recognize the important contributions of the federation and be eager to share that information with others. Please try to make this important month a memorable one.



117th GFWC Annual International Convention

Have you made your hotel reservations to join in the fun at the 2007 GFWC Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 9-11, 2007?


GFWC has partnered with the Philadelphia Marriott to create an online hotel reservations link especially for members of GFWC, and you may use the following link http://cwp.marriott.com/phldt/gfwnto automatically receive the GFWC group rate and discount. Enter the appropriate information under ?Check Rates and Availability? and you should be all set! The GFWC group rate will be $179/night plus tax. To receive this rate, all reservations must be made by May 7, 2007.


To learn more about the preliminary agenda and hotel information please visit the GFWC meetings section on http://www.gfwc.org/.  


Please contact the GFWC meetings department at or call 202/347-3168 with any questions or concerns regarding the dates and events for the 116th GFWC Annual International Convention.



Dear GFWC Club Members,


Think RED in the month of February. So many of the state publications and club newsletters reaching my desk are requesting that club members wear RED to their February GFWC meetings. Informative programs will be presented at state, district, and club meetings throughout the nation to keep our members aware of the fact that the #1 health threat for women is heart disease.


?The Heart Truth? is a national awareness campaign for women about heart disease. It is sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and is part of the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Designed to warn women of this #1 health threat, ?The Heart Truth? created and introduced the Red Dress in 2002 as the symbol for women and heart disease awareness in order to deliver an urgent wake-up call to American women. The Red Dress reminds women of the need to protect their heart health and inspires them to take action.


Representing GFWC at the fashion show debut of the Red Dress Collection 2007, and attending the Red Room pre-show gathering as special guests of ?Swarovski? in New York City on Friday, February 2, will be the GFWC International President Jacquelyn Pierce, GFWC Executive Director Natasha Kalteis and GFWC Program Director Pat Nolan. This pre-show gathering gives the GFWC representatives the unique opportunity to network with other partners and peers in the women?s heart health awareness movement from across the country. Thanks to our club members? active involvement in this awareness, GFWC has been invited to participate in this pre-show gathering.  Please know that Natasha, Pat and I will be thinking of you and your continued support as we represent you?dressed appropriately in RED.


Yours, in Federation Service,


Jackie Pierce


National Wear Red Day 

On Friday, February 2, 2007, Americans nationwide will wear red to unite in the national observance to give women a personal and urgent wakeup call about their risk for heart disease. The day serves as a reminder to every woman to care for her heart because heart disease is the number one killer of women. 


Remember to wear your Red Dress Pins or favorite red sweater, shirt, or tie and encourage your family and friends to join in the celebration!



GFWC Domestic Violence Grant Applications

Grants in the amount of $100 are available from the GFWC Program Department, thanks to the GFWC Southern Region, the GFWC Study Club of Birmingham, Ala, and Ann Hughes Johnson, of Waukegan, Ill. Please encourage your club to apply.  The deadline for applications is May 14, 2007 (pnolan@gfwc.org).



Does your Club, District, or State have Domestic Violence Awareness Items for Sale?   

Many Domestic Violence organizations have contacted us to help endorse their promotional items. This led to the suggestion that we promote the Domestic Violence items that our clubs, districts, and states may be selling to benefit GFWC Domestic Violence projects and programs by promoting this information in the April/May issue of the GFWC Clubwoman magazine. The deadline for clubs, districts, and states to send in a description of domestic violence items for sale, is Saturday, February 10, 2007. In your descriptions, please include the cost of each item and contact information (including phone number and email ? for example: 18? purple ribbon shoelaces, $3/pair, contact Molly Member at 1-888-423-6789 or gfwcmollymember@aol.com).


Item descriptions may be sent by email to or by regular mail to Nannette White, GFWC President's Special Project-Domestic Violence Chairman, 155 Indian Mound Road, West Monroe, LA  71291.



GFWC Run for Your Life 

In the past six months, GFWC has received recognition for its domestic violence work which has led to an increase in our organization?s identity. We would like to maintain this momentum and have all clubs participate in a ?GFWC Run for Your Life? event during Federation Week, April 22-28, 2007. Encourage your club to be creative and host an indoor or outdoor Run/Walk, Motorcycle, Bicycle, or Tricycle ?GFWC Run for Your Life? event to increase Domestic Violence awareness and to raise funds for your projects. Federation Day, on April 24, would be a great day to celebrate a successful event from the previous weekend or to kick-off an event on the next weekend with a silent or live auction.  The important thing is that all clubs do something to promote domestic violence awareness during that week or on that day. For a ?How to Organize a GFWC Run for Your Life? event, please review the information in the February/March issue of the GFWC Clubwoman magazine or contact the GFWC Program Department ().


Dear Fellow Club Members,


This coming week will find GFWC Headquarters over-flowing with club members. The President?s Special Assistant and Assistants will be arriving on Monday to prepare for the upcoming committee meetings to be conducted at GFWC Headquarters. They will be preparing and serving the meals for their fellow club members attending committee meetings and hosting a special appreciation luncheon for the GFWC Staff. The members on the GFWC Executive Committee and the GFWC Constitution and Bylaws Committee will be meeting at GFWC Headquarters throughout the week.  These committee members will be working closely with GFWC Staff and making plans for the 116th GFWC Annual International Convention in Philadelphia. If you have any concerns, suggestions or questions which you wish addressed by the committee members, please feel free to contact either me or any of the committee members.


Yours, in Federation Service,



Jacquelyn Pierce

GFWC International President



Alert: Phone Outage at GFWC Headquarters

Please be advised that there have been phone outages at GFWC Headquarters since this morning, Friday, January 19. The phone company is working to quickly re-establish service, however if you should require immediate assistance, please send an e-mail to gfwc@gfwc.org or call (202) 390-8578.  You may also reach GFWC Staff directly:


Natasha Kalteis, GFWC Executive Director: nkalteis@gfwc.org

Erica Sterling, GFWC Executive Assistant: esterling@gfwc.org

Marisa Krisfalusi, GFWC Convention/Meetings Director: mkrisfalusi@gfwc.org

Beverly Manlove, GFWC Finance Director: bmanlove@gfwc.org

Elizabeth Wicks, GFWC Accounting Clerk: ewicks@gfwc.org   

Lisa Jumper, Materials Center Coordinator: ljumper@gfwc.org

Britt Domingue, GFWC Meetings/Membership Assistant: bdomingue@gfwc.org

Debbe Gladstone, GFWC Membership Director: dgladstone@gfwc.org

Pat Nolan, GFWC Program Director: pnolan@gfwc.org

Marin Aurand, GFWC Program Assistant: maurand@gfwc.org

Katie Kikta, GFWC Public Policy Director: kkikta@gfwc.org   

Jeff Harse, GFWC Publications Director/Editor: jharse@gfwc.org

Danielle Snyder, GFWC WHRC Director: dsnyder@gfwc.org

Ashley Carver, GFWC WHRC Assistant: acarver@gfwc.org


Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this.



2006-2007 All Club Photo Contest: Clubwomen on Parade!

July 4th!  Veteran?s Day! Thanksgiving!  Does your club toot its horn by promenading in a community parade?  Does your club flaunt on a float?  Does your club prove that its dandy by throwing candy? 


We want to see how your club walks the walk!  Share photos illustrating how your members let the community know you are there:


  • Wo-manning a booth at a community festival
  • Riding on a float in a parade
  • Marching in a parade
  • Walking with a club banner in a fundraising walk-a-thon
  • Cooking up a storm at a community event

You get the ?picture,? so send us the picture!  REQUIRED:  photo must include GFWC emblem or club name!


Prizes will be awarded for the two photos that best demonstrate how your club makes itself visible in a positive way at a community event:  $100 first prize and $75 second prize.  But everyone is a winner!



  • Clubs may enter only one time and send only one photo
  • Photos must be either 4x6 or 5x7 inches; color or black & white.  Do not mat or frame the photos.
  • Include a caption on the back of the photo on or a separate sheet of paper.
  • Include the photographer?s name, club name, city/state, contact person, with address, phone/email on the back of the photo
  • Submit photos on or before May 16, 2007 to: GFWC Club Photo Contest, 1734 N Street NW, Washington, DC  20036


Program Department Update

AARP has a great gift for GFWC Clubwomen.  15 Minutes to Your Financial Health is a great booklet that includes everything from ?How Do You Manage Your Money?? to ?How to Guard against Identity Theft? hints.  Order one or several and distribute to your club.  Contact Tanya at 202-434-6053 and be sure to say you are from GFWC.



Speaking of Women?s Health Web Readers

Are you looking for solutions for living your New Year's resolutions throughout 2007? Then join us this Saturday, January 20 for our Get Started Today with Speaking of Women?s Health Event from 10am to 4pm at Wal-Mart Supercenters and Sam?s Clubs nationwide! You will be able to pick up a free 15-month calendar, free copy of Speaking of Women's Health's book It?s the Right Time and product give-aways. Healthy Living and Easy Meal Solutions are just a few of the tips you'll find to help you fulfill your New Year's resolutions every day of the year!

Visit Wal-Mart's Get Started Today page to search for the Supercenter nearest to you. You can also download Speaking of Women?s Health wallpaper and screen saver to decorate your computer desktop!

Yours in Good Health, The Staff at Speaking of Women?s Health


Dear Fellow Club Members,


It has been stated that this first week of 2007 has been ?history in the making? in Washington, DC.  Please note that GFWC has been represented in this history. As the GFWC International President, I was situated under the ?Illinois? marking at the World War II Memorial when the funeral cortege of President Gerald R. Ford arrived in our nation?s capitol on Saturday evening, December 30.  On January 1, I was amongst the thousands that attended ?The Lying in State of President Ford? in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol (and signing the guest book for the General Federation of Women?s Clubs); and on January 2, I joined those paying their respects as the funeral cortege passed N and 20th Street?just three blocks from GFWC Headquarters.


Also ?in the news? has been the Swearing in Celebration of the United States House of Representatives Speaker-Elect Nancy Pelosi.  GFWC was invited to the Women?s Tea honoring Nancy Pelosi and to the Open House to celebrate the People?s House. Representing GFWC at both of these functions were:  GFWC Executive Director Natasha Kalteis, GFWC Public Policy Director Kate Kikta, and GFWC International President Jacquelyn Pierce. Not only is it our responsibility, it is also our honor and privilege to represent you, the GFWC member, at these various functions, and we do so with a great sense of humility and pride.


Yours, in Federation Service,




Program Department Update

Operation Smile has announced a new GFWC contact.  Please welcome Dory Morrison, National Volunteer Manager, who replaces Jan Rosser.  Dory can be reached by phone at 757/321-7660 or by email at



Escape to Italy this August

The evenings are balmy and the sites are spectacular.  If you?re still looking for an August holiday destination, look no further ? travel with GFWC to Italy?s Great Cities: Rome, Pisa, Florence, Verona, and Venice.


The travel dates are August 3-11, 2007, with a land rate of $1439 per person (based on double occupancy).


For a more detailed itinerary and additional information, please contact Erica Sterling at ? 202/347-3168 x150.

Dear Fellow Club Members,


As we near the end of another year, we are reminded of the many achievements and accomplishments of our members.  With the mission of volunteerism, lives have been enhanced and our organization has remained strong. We look forward to a new year and the challenges and opportunities it affords. May you and yours enjoy the blessings of good health and great joy.and may you know that your membership and leadership in GFWC is greatly appreciated.


Yours, in Federation Service,




Domestic Violence Grants Available

Thanks to generous donations from club members supporting the GFWC President's Special Project: Domestic Violence, GFWC has six $100 Domestic Violence Club Grants available.


Please inform your clubs as to the availability of these grants.  For an application, see the GFWC Web site or contact the Program Department at 202/347-3168 or .  



GFWC Website Redesign - Update

While we hoped to have the new and improved GFWC website available in January 2007, we have recently discovered that due to necessary technical requirements, we need to delay the launch until late spring 2007.


We are disappointed by this - however, we hope that you agree that anything worth doing, is worth doing right.


The additional time will allow us to incorporate several new, versatile, and, most importantly, useful features, including:


o          Online shopping for GFWC materials and merchandise

o          Site map and search function

o          Online registration for GFWC meetings and convention

o          Secure member listserv/forums

o          Online reporting and grant applications

o          Members-only login for select features and information


Our goal in this redesign is to ensure that GFWC members' needs and expectations are met - and we will continue to update you in the GFWC Clubwoman magazine, via eGFWC communications, and online.


If you have any questions, or would like to offer any suggestions on features that you would like to see on the new website, please email us at .


Jennie June Awards

Help us recognize one of your club members for her community concerns and her dedication to making a difference. The JENNIE is the only national award that honors members for personal excellence, and it is intended to spotlight extraordinary clubwomen who perform their roles as volunteers within their clubs, elsewhere in the community, and as members of a family or extended family.


One winner from each region will be invited to attend the 2008 GFWC Annual International Convention in Chicago, Illinois - with transportation expenses paid - and be honored during an awards banquet.


Clubs may nominate one member, and the nomination should emphasize activities during the period of July 1, 2006-May 31, 2007. Please submit your nominations to your state president by June 15, 2007, for state-level judging. 


For more information, visit www.gfwc.org or contact GFWC Jennie Awards Chairman, Bert Alberti ( . 954/341-9393).



2007 GFWC Calendars

Ring in the New Year with a 2007 GFWC calendar.  A limited supply is available to the first respondents.  These beautiful calendars feature photographs from the GFWC Photography Contest winners.  As you know, the calendars are part of GFWC's direct mail fundraising program, so a donation in any amount will be appreciated.  Order yours now from the GFWC Materials Center ( . 202/347-3168 x132).



GFWC Members Are On the Road Again

We are pleased to announce that the GFWC Tour to China from March 1-11, 2007 has been filled.


Many inquiries have reached us regarding the GFWC Tour to Italy from August 3-11, 2007.  Please direct your questions to . And look for more details in an upcoming eGFWC in January 2007.



Dear Federation Friends


The holiday season is upon us, and I know that many of you are making plans to be with family and friends this month.  I will be staying here in Washington, DC, this year as I welcome family and friends to GFWC Headquarters.


As we begin to consider the opportunities that this new year brings, I hope that you find the following information helpful in planning your GFWC activities and events.


Yours in Federation,

Jacquelyn Pierce



Dollars and Sense Program Update & Awards


WISER Awards

Thanks to the generosity of WISER (Women?s Institute for a Secure Retirement), awards will be given to the top three clubs in the U.S. for creativity in implementing the Planning Ahead: Building Retirement Income aspect of the Dollars and Sense program.  Award amounts include: First Place - $250; Second Place - $150; Third Place-$100; and the awards will be based on report narratives.  State Chairmen should forward the winning state entry to Catherine Lee Lord, GFWC Dollars and Sense Chairman, by March 15, 2008.


GFWC would like to thank WISER for this generous gift.


Club Award

Annually, one club in the U.S. will be awarded $50 to recognize creativity in implementing the Dollars and Sense program.  The award will be based on report narratives, and state chairmen should forward their winning state?s entry to the appropriate national chairman by March 15th of each year.


State Awards

A GFWC certificate will be awarded to one state federation in each membership category to recognize outstanding achievement in the GFWC Dollars and Sense program.  Award presentations will be made, annually, in honor of junior and general membership participation.


For more information regarding the GFWC Dollars and Sense Program, please contact the GFWC Program Department at pnolan@gfwc.org.



NEW! Make your Convention Hotel Reservations Online!

GFWC has partnered with the Philadelphia Marriott to create an online hotel reservations link especially for members of the General Federation of Women's Clubs attending the 2007 International Convention, June 9-11, 2007 (Please note that the GFWC International Convention this year will adjourn following the banquet the night of Monday, June 11).


You may use the following link: http://cwp.marriott.com/phldt/gfwn to automatically receive the GFWC group rate and discount. Enter the appropriate information under ?Check Rates and Availability? and you should be all set! The GFWC group rate will be $179/night plus tax. To receive this rate, all reservations must be made by May, 7, 2007.


To learn more about the preliminary agenda and hotel information please visit the GFWC meetings section on www.gfwc.org.


Please contact the GFWC meetings department at or call 202/347-3168 with any questions or concerns regarding the dates and events for the 116th GFWC Annual International Convention.



2007 Leadership Education and Development Seminar (LEADS)

We are looking forward to welcoming one representative from EVERY state to the 2007 GFWC Leadership Education and Development Seminar (LEADS) on June 8, in Philadelphia, PA.   Participant profiles must be sent to GFWC Headquarters by March 1, 2007.  Individuals apply to their state federation, where the selection of the state participant will be made.  LEADS is intended to identify and train GFWC members from the grassroots with leadership potential and the desire to assume leadership positions beyond the club level.  


Clubwomen that have not held elected office at or beyond the state level and are interested in learning more about LEADS are encouraged to contact their state leadership chairman or GFWC Headquarters (dgladstone@gfwc.org) for more information.



 Dear Federation Friends:  


Your hard work, commitment, passion and service are being recognized!


I am absolutely thrilled to announce that GFWC and our efforts to educate our communities on domestic violence prevention and awareness have been recognized in the Congressional Record by Senator Joe Biden.  I believe that Sen. Biden best states GFWC's continuing mission: "Change happens one woman at a time and one volunteer at a time.  The volunteer work done by club members fills an invaluable role.  As my mother would say, these are the people who do God's work."


May we continue to empower others, through our volunteer service in GFWC, one by one.


Yours in Federation Service,




Jacquelyn Pierce

GFWC International President 


FIGHTING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE -- (Senate - November 15, 2006)


   Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I rise today to pay special tribute to the General Federation of Women's Clubs and their recent work to fight domestic violence. The organization is a gem among our midst. Founded in April 1890, it is one of the world's oldest and largest women's volunteer organizations. More than 150,000 women members in 5,000 local and 20 international clubs volunteer over 13 million hours and contribute approximately $35 million through more than 160,000 club projects. I can't underestimate how powerful and influential this corps of volunteers is to the health of our Nation.

   I am particularly proud that this year the international president, Jacqueline Pierce, has adopted "Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention'' as her President's Special Project for 2006-2008. Nannette White, a member from Louisiana, serves as the national chairperson of the President's Special Project, and with the support of a national committee of women, promotes participation in this project. All across the Nation, local women's clubs are adopting battered women's shelters and donating needed goods such as food, linens, health care items, and more. In Nevada, members sponsored a public service campaign on radio stations to promote important messages about violence prevention. In Mississippi, members distributed 2,000 fliers with information on the National Domestic Violence Hotline and helped raise funds for the Mississippi State Coalition Against Domestic Violence. This is just a small sampling of the good works being done.

   As part of this special project, the General Federation of Women's Clubs forged a historic collaboration with the Family Violence Prevention Fund, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, the National Network to End Domestic Violence and domestic violence organizations in communities throughout the United States. Innovative partnerships between the public and private sector, new relationships between organizations--these are the pathways to solutions to our Nation's most pressing problems.

   I have spent almost 34 years of my life in Congress and witnessed the transformative impact of powerful Federal legislation. For instance, the Violence Against Women Act improved Federal and State criminal laws and enacted programs that encourage prosecution of abusers, create battered women's shelters and sponsor educational campaigns. Over the past decade, the act's programs have distributed over $4 billion to States, local governments, and nonprofit organizations. Yet despite this extraordinary success, I am convinced that Federal Government action alone cannot end domestic violence. We desperately need the individual attention and dedication of volunteers. Change happens one woman at a time and one volunteer at a time. The volunteer work done by club members fills an invaluable role. As my mother would say, these are the people who do God's work.

   I commend Madam President Pierce for her leadership and commitment to airing our Nation's ``dirty little secret,'' domestic violence. She has brought a whole new legion of women warriors to help battered women and their children. On behalf of the entire Senate, I thank them for their tireless volunteerism to end domestic violence and giving women what they haven't had before--hope.