GFWC of Massachusetts, Junior Membership

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Fall Conference Update
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Fall Conference Update

The Great Safari had began at 10:00am on October 16, 2004 with our Head Hunter, Lynne Stader, Director of Junior Clubs, calling the meeting to order. Reports of the following were given. GFWC of MA Annual Meeting and GFWC International Convention, Orlando, FL by Mary C. Baird, Past Junior Director GFWC of MA, Junior Membership. GFWC Executive Board Meeting in Washington, D.C., given by Lynne Stader,GFWC of MA, Director of Junior Clubs. New England Region Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, given by Donna Shibley, Corresponding Secretary.

GFWC of MA, Junior State Officers

Federation message given by Martha Scarsdale, GFWC of Massachusetts President

GFWC of MA Officers and guests

Federation Message - GFWC OF Massachusetts President, Martha Scarsdale
Federation Greeting - Lorraine Gorham,GFWC OF Massachusetts First Vice-President and Counselor to Junior Membership

Reports of Chairmen which dealt with
 "Writing the Next Chapter" Challenge.

C - Advocates for Children, Sue Frattasio, Child Identification Programs, Chairman
H - Helping Hands,Diane McCurley, Homelife Chairman, New Ways to Help.
A - Arts in the Community, Nancy Barston, Arts Chairman
P - President's Project, GFWC of MA-Barton Center for Diabetes Education, DONATIONS, Joyce Clark, Junior Memebership Coordinator
T - TEAM UP/Tech Team, Diane Murphy and Mary Kemp, ASK WEBBIE
E - Expand Your Membership, Mary Ann Pierce, Membership Chairman, Presentation of Certificates
R - Reaching out Internationally, Robin O'Connor, International Affairs Chairman, Report of World Food Day DONATIONS.

Director's Chapter Challenge Bingo - Kathy Klofft, Coordinator

Mary Kemp and Ask Webbie

"SAFA-READ" - Education for Life Ginni Babaian, Chairman, Report of BOOKS DONATED to John F. Kennedy School, Randolph

Ginni Babaian at Safa-Read book collection table

Report from 2004 LEADS Graduates, Orlando, Florida, Laura Edmonds, New Hampshire and T Jablanski, Massachusetts

T Jablanski and Laura Edmonds

KEYNOTE SPEAKER - "Prospecting for Positive Publicity"
Kathleen Veth, Write Connections, Presenter

Kathleen Veth, Write Connections

DON"T FORGET TO VOTE! - Linda Postlethwait, Public Affairs Chairman

1924 Society